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74 The LivingTemple. Part II. ed, which are incident to common Converfation ; and the Advantages gained, which may ferve one's own private and fecular Interefts ; that nn- derflanding which can do all this, would far more eafily, comprehend as much as . is needful, to the certain knowledge of God's Exence, and that he isfuch as we ought to roorfhip, and may enjoy. If it apply it feif hereto. Do not fo defpair, as not to make an attempt. You know not the ftrength of your own mind, 'till you have try'd it. 2dly, That you indulge not, or do not fuffer your felves to be infenfibly feized by a mean andfordid Sloth. Set your Thoughts awork with vigorous Diligence. Give not out, before you have well begun. Refolve, fince you have a thinkingpower about you, you will ufe it to this aloft neceffary Pur- pofe ; and hold your Thoughts to it. See that your Minds do not prefently tire, andflag. That you be rationally peremptory, and foberly obftinate,' iaa this purfuit. Yield not to be diverted. Difdain, having minds that can reach up, to the great Original and Author of