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142 The Living Tetrtple: Part II. lefs pains done by one hand, is dafht . in pieces by another ; and it is the Work of a following Age to fweep a- way the fine-fpun Cobwebs of a for- mer. And thole Truths which are of greateft Ufe, though not ma. out of fight,are leaft regarded : TheirTendency and Defign are overlookt ; or they are fo loofen'd, and torn off, that they cannot be wrought in, fo as to take hold of the Soul, but hover as faint, ineffee`lzsal, Notions, that fignify no- thing. Its very fundamental Powers are shaken and disjointed, and their order towards one another, confounded and broken. So that what is judg'd conj., derable is not cos ftder'd. What is re- commended as eligible and lovely, is not loved and cholene Yea, the Truth which is after Godlivefs, is not fo much disbeliev'd, as hated, held in Jnrigh- teoufnefs, and trines as too feeble a Light in that malignantDarknefs which comprehends it not. You come amidit all this Confufion, as into the ruin'd Palace offome great Prince, in which you fee here the Fragments of a Noble Pillar, there the fhatter'd pieces of force curious Imagery, and all lying neglected and ufelels amongft heaps of Dirt.