Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

17o The LivingTemple. Part IL they as a Punifhment of thofe Sins) we knowmanyof thofe Sinners do finally efcape deferved Punifhment. The Truth of thefe things infac, is difpu- ted on neither fide: All thefe then are acknowledg'd reconcilable and confìft- ent with the Jultice of God. What then is to be infer'd ? Not that thefe things arenot fo, for that they are, is acknowledg'd on all hands : What then ? That God is Unjuft ? Will their Zeal for the Reputation of God's Ju- nice, admit of this ? No ; but it is only unju(t to count this Suffering of his Son a Punifhment: That is, 'tis unju(t he (hould fu(fer for a valuable and ne- ceffary Purpofe 5 not that he fhould fuffer needlelly, or for no purpofe, that might not have been ferv'd with- out it ! But why may not the Sufferings of Chrift be lookt on as a .Punifhment? Becaufe they will have it be efntialto Aunifhment, that it be inflided on the Perfon that offended, and then inconfi- frerit with its Notion and Efence, that it be irfiifted on an innocent Perfon: But if Co, the Pretence for the cry of Irrjufl°ce vaniihes, unlefs they will be fQ abfu d as t3 fly, it is veryAi to of Oic