Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

15 appearances of evil! as evill itselfe; but if he were evill spoken of for truth or rigbteousnesse sake, he rejoyc'd in taking up the reproach; which all good men that dare bearc their testimony against an cvill generation must suffer. Though his zeale for truth and vertue, caus'd the wicked with the sharpe edges of their mallicious tong11es, to attempt to shave of the glories from his head, yett his honor springing from the fast roote of vertue, did but grow the thicker and more beautiful for all their emlcavours to cut it' of. He was as free from avarice as from ambition and pride. Never had any man a more contented and thankful! heart for the estate that God had given, but it was a very narrow compasse for the exercise of his greate heart. He lov'd hospitallity as much as he hated riott: he could contentedly be without things beyond his reach, though he tooke very much pleasure in all those noble delights that exceeded not his faculties. In those things that were of meere pleasure, he lov'd not to aime at that he could not attaine: he would rather \~eare clothes absolutely plaine, then pretending to gallantry, and would rather chuse to have none then meane iewells or pictures, and such other things as were not of absolute necessity: he would rather give nothing than a base reward or present, and upon that score, liv'd very much retir'd, though his nature were very sociable and delighted in going into :and receiving company; because his fortune would not allow him to doe it in such a noble manner as suited with his mind. He was so truly magnanimous that prosperity could never lift him up in the least, nor give him any tincture of pride or vaineglory, nor diminish a general! affabillity, cmtesie, and civillity, that he had allwayes to all persons. When he was most exalted he was most merciful! and compassionate to those that were humbled . . At the ' Samson and Dalilah . }'