Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

Zbe Coloennnt of pram Openeti. 139 and fo Ihall in a fhort time the Proud and Haughty Tyrant Lewis le Grand : IfGod fhows but his Finger on the Wall, he makes proud Dan. 5.5. Bel/hazzar to quake ; nay, he can employ In- animate Creatures to terrific and deffroÿ I'ha- roahand his mighty Hoffs. O how joyful then muff thofe Tidingsbe,to hear that fucha King, filch an Enemy is reconciled to us ? 2. An Ambaffador ofPeace, is welcome to a People who lie under heavy Burdens, or are in fearful Bondage, Slavery, and Mifery, and have nopower to fave, or relieve themfelves ; for fuch, I fay, to hear of Liberty; or of a Procla- mationof Peace declaring' their Freedom, and that for ever, whohad once beena FreePeople, but loft it ; this renders fuch an Ambaflador welcome indeed ! Now this is the Stateof all Mankind: What Slaves ? What Vafiàls of Sinand Satan are all Ungodly Mortals ? Their Eyes put out, their Robes rent from them, their Souls wounded, and nothing but loathfome Sores from the Crown of their Head, to the Soleof their Feet ; and fed with nothing but .Ales, chaff, Bùsks, and Gravel Stones, and laid under the Sentence of Death, being turfed by God, or by his Ho- ly Law, and Condemned tobe Burnt alive, or to lie in EverlaftingFlames ever dying, and yet can never die. O ! How welcome is the News an Ambaffador of Chrift brings to fuck a People, who fee this is their State, and yet are by him delivered! 3. An Ambaffador of Peace is welcome, if he comes to offer Peace from a Prince that is Faith