Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

Zbe Covenant of peace Opene0+ i 5 5 My Brethren, obferve, that the Salvation ¿ by Chriff was antecedentto our Faith,and bothwere to be performed for us by our Sure- ty; that is, he was as much obliged to give us Faith, or by his Spirit to apply his Blood, as to pour it forthupon the Crofsfor us ; tho he has ordained the Preachingof the Gofpel as an Inflrument in and by the Spirit, to work it in qur Souls. Secondly, This Proclamation, it is anUni- The Pro_. verfal Proclamation, claraatíon I. Peace and glad Tidings is tobe preached 71. vníver- or proclaimed to all the World ; Goye there- 'Lace is to fore into all the World, and Preach the Gofpel to be pro- every Creature. What is this Gofpel ? whyPeace claimed to by JefiisChrift, or that God is reconciled, his all Natí- Juftice fatisfied, and his Wrath appeafed by ° S' the Sacrifice and Obedience of his Son, that being the meritorious, or procuring Caufe thereof, andChrift requires them, command- eth them to believe this ? Believe what? Why that God in Chrift, through his Death, was re- conciled to us when we were Ungodly ; not rom. 5, that God will be reconciled, and appeafed, if 9' to. we Repent, Believe, are Regenerated, and Baptized, drç. That which remains to bedone, (whichhe will alfobegin andperformfor all the Elea) is the Sinners believingwhat Jefus Chrilt bath done ; .'tis to receive the Atonement, or to ftretch out the Hand of Faith ; to receive the Pardon procured by Chrift's Blood ; not that any Sinner canbelieve, until the Spiritas a. Vital Agent, infufesGrace into him ; the Seed muff be fown before the Fruit can appear Chrift