Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

ErgCobena1tt of 19 ace Omni), (s.) This fpeaks great comfort to Believers ; Chrift who is Mediator, is near unto God, andas near unto us,theFather hathCalled, Cho- fen, Anointedand Accepted of him in our be- half; he can fympathize with us, heknows our Infirmities, and he hatii always God's Ear, and God'sHeart, and reprefents us, and our Caul to the Father. Exhortation. Sinners, Wiltnot you accept -of Peace ? 1; Shall fuch a Mediator make your Peace: nay, die to make your Peace with God, and lhall any refufe to accept of that Peace which he bath made. 2. The Termsare not hard but eafie it is to believe in him, to truft in him, to believe he bathmade your Peace, or that God in him is reconciled ; 'tis to fue out your Pardon through Faith in his Blood. Tai e a few Motives to Iir you up thus to do. r . Confider that you cannot have Peace with God any other ways, There is no other Name given under Heaven whereby you can be JO- tied, .2. That whofoever ceiveth him, believeth him, Shall not Per f .Lif 3. Confider 1191w able he is able to Gave all that cómo to Gód fave them to tbe uttermo1, t.ho F conaeth to him, re- in him, refteth upon but have Everlafl-ini t4 e. , 6 15, fave; He is e'm.á,?.. by him, and to ° > _ they a i'k3 nevet-.á