Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

MOSES's VAIL REMOVED· 0 R, T y P· E s D F THE 0 L D T E S TA M E N T EX P LA I N E D. A D A M A T y p E OF c H R I s T. -Death reigned f,yom Adary~to Mofes, even over them that had not finned, after the Simi– litude of Adam's ~ranjgrej)wn, who is lhe Figure of him that was to come, Rom. v. 14 . P A R A L L E L ~ I. _ADAM had no Father but God: So Chriil: likewife had no Father but God. They were both in an efpecial Manner called <he Sons of God ; the one by Creation, the other by eternal Generation. II. Adam was made Heir of the World: Chrifl: is Heir of all Things, not only of this World, but of that which is to come. Ill. Admn was a common or public Perfon, reprefenting all his Seed, or natural ·Offspring; hence his Sin is charged upon his whole Poflerit:Y: By Adam's Sin were many made Sinners, &c. Rom. v. 12, 14, Chrift, thefe~ond Adam, is a common or pub– lic Perfon, 'epr.efenting all his true Seed, or fpiritual 0/f<pring: So that as Adam's Sin was imputed to all his Children; fo is Chrifl:'s Righteoulnefs Imputed to all his Chil– .dren, through Faith, Rom. v. '9· The firit Adammerited Death tor his Seed; the fecond Adammerited Life for his Seed• . N 0 A H A T, y p E OF c H R I s T. P A R A L L E L ~ I. NOAHwas a Savior, nay, in a goad Senfe, the S"vior of the World; for it was through him, and by his Means and Righteoufnefs, there was a Seed preferved from the Flood, &c. 'Chrift is .a Sav.ior, the great Savior, the only Savior of the World; hence called ]ejuJ. ~ 11. Noah was .a Pr.acher of Righteoufnefs, and invited Sinners to Repentance: Chrifl: ·was a Preacher of Righteollfnels, and came OA purpofe to call Sinners ro Repentance. Noah's Mini thy was defpifed by rhe Ungod~y; fo was .the Preaching and Minifl:ry of Jefus Chrift by the unbelieving Jews, and others: Thole that refufed <1nd rebelled acrainfl: Noah, and his Miniftry, were deftroyed by Water; and thofe that refufe and !f~el againfl: Chrifl:, Jhall be deftroyed by Fire. Ill. Nonh built an Ark: So Chrift builds his Church. Noah built the Ark accord– ing to the Commandment of God: So Chrifl: iB bYilding his Church, did ev·ery Thing .according ro the Commandment rcce1v.ed from illS Father. 3· Noah rook many Trees to build the Arlc So Chri./1 takes many HtJievers, called Trees of R1ghteoulnefs, tO build his Church. IV. Some clean, and fame unclean Beafl:s were received into Noah's Ark: So fame holy and fantl:ified Perfons, and fome unfanCl:ified Ones, are received into Chriit's Church, though not by Chrifl:'s Appointment. V. All