Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part I. METAPHORS FROM THE PARTS OF LIVING CREATURE~. 141 Job xxxi. 10. Let my Wife grind to another, that is, as 1/lyricus expounds it, let her be the bali:fl of Servants to another, or as Vatablus fays, let her be forced away from me and become another's, &c. BREAD made of Meal, that Stall:' of Life, fometimes denotes joyful, fometimes mournful Things. 1. Joyful, as Pfal. cv. -}O. He fatisjied them with the Bread of Heaven; Manna is called the Bread of f.ieaven, becaufe it was Food for the lfraelites, and ferved for Bread, and Pfal. lxxviii. 25. it is called the Bread of the Mighty, (or of the Strong) that is, ayy•Awv Teopn, Angelorum, efca. Sap. 16. 20. as the Chaldee, the Septuagint, the V ulgate Verfion, and Luther render it, the Bread of Angels, that is, fuch Bread as thefe hea– venly Adminifl:rarors of the Divine Will fhall fupply you with, and not any human Help. And thev are faid to be !hang becaufc God communicates fuchPower to them, &c. \Vhen Chrifl: calls himfelf the Bread of Life, having refpect tO Manila, it is an evident ]'Jetaphor, John vi. 32, 33· Life etemalJS expreffed by the eating of Bread in the King– dom of God, Luke xiv. I5· and xxii. 90. By eating of flolen Bread or drinking of flolm Waters, Prov. ix. 17. the Breach ot Wedlock, or that fhort and wild Lull ot the Fkfh which is in Adultery, is underllood, and which Deflruction and eternal Death accompany. Sec Job xx. 5, &c. , 2 . It fignifies mournful or f.1d Things, Numb. xiv. 9• Fear not the People of the Land, for they are Bread for tts ; that is, we fhall ealily overcome and confume them, as if they were our Bread, 1t agrees hereto that Bread, and War or Fighting come from the fame Hebrew Root and Original; and that the Sword is faid tO eat when it kills, 2 Sam. xi. 25. Affliction, and Calamity are expreffed by the Bread of :fears, Pfal. lxxx. 5· in which Senfe alfu :fears are t'aid to be the Bread (or Meat) of Man Day and Night, Pfal. xxiv. 3· LEAVEN (made of a fharp or four Mafs) taken in an evil Senfe, denotes the Cor– ruption of Doftrine, Matt. xvi. t6. Luke xii. 1. (Hypocrify, that is, a Diffemblingof true Religion) fometimes Wickednefs and Depravity of Life, I Cor. v. 7• 8. The Reafon of both is evident from the Operation of Ferment or Leaven, a little of which pene– trates the whole Lump, making it four and acid: So falfe Doftrine and Impiety of Manners, ealily penetrates, to the Seduction of others, and unlefs fpeedily prevented will quickly infect and contaminate the Whole. The Text which we tranflate, JvJy Heart was grieved, Pfal. lxxiii. 21. in the Hebrew is, [my Heart is fermented,] (leavened or grown fharp) that is, it is embittered, and full of Perturbation- The Chaldee, it is anxi– ous or faddened, &c. Of Metaphors from the Parts and Members of living Creatures. WE are di!linCl:ly to confider of Brutes. As, ( 1.) Their Parts and Members. (2.) Their general Names, Effects and Adjuncts. (j.) Their fevcral Species or Kinds. Their and Members, we will recite in that Order Nature has difpofed ofthem. "What concerns the Head of Brutes we fhall expound, when we treat of their refpective Species. :The HORN of fame four-footed Beafls, their principal Ornament, and the Inflru– ment whereby they exercife their Strength and defend themfdves, is variouOy ufed in Scripture Metaphors. 1. It denotes Power, Strength, Glory and Courage, I Sam. ii. 1. Job xvi. I 5· Pfal. lxxv. IO. lxxxix. 17, 24. exit. 9· and cxlviii. I4. Jer. xlviii. 25. L am. ii. 3, '7· Ezek. xxix. 21. Amos vi. ' 3· An Iron Horn is a Symbol of great Power and Srength, Micah iv. I3· So when the Hom of the Unicorn is mentioned, a Beat! of more Strength than others, Deut. xxxiii. 17. Pfal. xxii. and xcii. I I. 2. lt denotes Rule or Government, the Majefl:y of which conlifls in Power, Forti. tude and Strength (fame fay, becaufe the King is eminent in Dignity above all his Pco. ple, as the H orn is above all the Members of the Creature) 1 Sam. ii. 1 o. He jhall ex– altthe Horn of his Anointed, where the holy Woman, (viz. Iiannah; has rcfprct to the 0 o Kingdou1