Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

AN ANTHROPOPATHY. Book I. '' publifhed by God in ordrr to that End. For the Lord throws not off his Creatures, " for as he gives them Life, lo he fi.J!\ains it." Heb. i. 3· This Speech of Mofes is re– peated by Cbrift, and oppofed to Satan's Temptation, Mal/h. iv. 4· Upon which D. Calixtus * has thefe Words. " Our Saviour neither affirms nor denies himfdf to be the Son of God, but urges a moit proper Argument out of Deut. viii. 3· where Mofes puts the Ifraelitcs in Mind how they were fed for forty Years not by ufual Bread, but by heavenly Manna, as if he had faid, I have no Reafon to Defpair, as if l mufl: die tor Want of Bread, neither is there any Neceffity that Bread fhould be produced by Miracle, becaufe fuch are not to be wrought at the Pleafure or Cu- " riofity of every Body, but then only when the Glory of God requires it, and when « needfuJ in order to Men's Salvation; for Man lives not by Bread alone, but by every " Word which proceeds out of the Mouth of Gocl, that is, by any.other Way, which " God in his immenfe Power, and unconfl:rained Will has conitituted and appointed, that " ~hereby the Life of Man may be fupported." it is faid of Cbrift;lfa. xi. 4· t 'i'bai befoal/ [mite the Earth with the Rod of his Mouth, and with the Breath of his Lips fhall he flay the Wicked, agreeable t6 2 'I'hejf. ii. 8. Whom (viz. the Wicked one) the Lordjhall confume with the Spirit of his Mouth, by whi~h is underfl:ood the Word of Chriit who fhall judge and condemn the Wicked, ]obn xii. 48. The Cha/dee tranflat<S it thus: [t By the Speech of his Lips will he.flay the Anti-Cbrift or wicked Anti-God] as Guido Fabricius in his Syriac and Chaldee Lexicon r-enders ic. LIPS arc afcribed to God, ]obxi. 5· when Speech or external Manifeil:ation of his Mind are attributed to him-0 that God would Jpeak and opm his Lips againfl thee. Sometimes Lips. and a 'J'ongue §are attributed to God, when he is angry, as !fa. xxx. 27. His Lips are full of Indignation, and his 'l'ongue as a di!'Vouring Fire, and his Breatb as ail overflo-wing Stream, &c. Upan which Mufculus 11 thus paraphrafeth, 'l'hefe 'l'hings are af– cribed to God after tbe Manner ofMen, and are 'l'erms borrowed from a Warrior vehe– mently provoh:d agai;'.ft his Enemy, his Face burns, that is, his Eyes are inflamed, his Lips, and other Geflure betokening a violent Indignation, &c. Pfal. xviii. 8. In the Defcription of God's Anger, there are many Similitudes borro"'ed from 'l'empefls, Lightning, and other dreadflll Thing£ to terrify Man. When God is faid to fpeak to any Mouth to Mouth, it denotes Familiarity and Intimacy, which Prerogative the Lord granted to j'v!cfes, Numb. xii. 8. lt is faid ]er. xviii. 17. I willJhew them the •• Back and not the Face, in the Day of their Calamity; whereby is fignified a Denial of his Grace and Favor, which is to be t~nderfl:ood by Face; the Word tranflated Back, fignilies the hinder Part of the Neck, and indicates God's Anger, as if he had faid, I will not vouchfafe to hear them when they call, f!Or look upon them when they implore my Help. An ARMis attributed to God, by ~hich his Strmgth and Power is fignified; be– caufe the Strength of a Man is known by the Strength of his Arm, whether it be Labor, Fight, &c. Exod.xv.16. ]obx\.4. Pfal.1xxvii.J6. lxxiX.JJ. lxxxix. I!, 14. lfa. xxx 30. li. 9· lix. 16. lxii. 8. and lxiii. 5· Luke i. 51, &c. A flretched-out Ann is afcribed to God, in his Delivery of his People .from Egypt, Pfal. cxxxvi. ll, u .. and ]er. xxxii. 17. 'Ihou bafl made the Heav::n and the Earth by tby great J'ower andflretched-out Arm, &c. This tt Metaphor is taken from Men fighting or v.hen engaged in hard L abor, who with all their Strength and Force employ their Arms, which fomeurnes they make bare to remove the Impediments cf Garments. Hence God fays to the Prophet Ezekiel, Chap. iv. 7· 'l'herefore Jhalt thou Jet thy Face before tb• Siege of ]erufalem, and thine,Arm Jha!l be uncovered, and thou Jhalt prophejj againfl it, • Ser-vatorjilium Drifi rjft, nrque ait, mque mgat,fiJ e.-v lococOtN.ItllitntiJ/imo, Deut, viii. 3, ~c. In Harmon. Evang. 110. . t Et ticq.uio labiorum.fuorum intt1:fici6t. t on• 1Dt\ Ami-Ch~ijlumfiu Anli-D&um impium. ' Per pro.fopographiam. 11 flumano mort tribuit il/i qullji bellatori vehementi ht hoj!es cDmmoto,faritm ardentem, id ejl, G<ulos flammantes, JaMaf,-emcutia, et Jiwllllatli h:dignatiomm iJ: increpa!!do pr.:eftfiremia, linguam ild 'tJOrandu1n ex/crtam, rt ignis injlt~r jlammeam, f.;!c. Mu(cul. in loc. •• Cervix the hinder pare of the Neck. tt Mrtapbura" hllatorib;o pugmmtibu1 <t~el al~'s r;;ehemrntiut latfiri .inCJJmbentibllt defumpla. that