Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

zoo ] It has been proved, beyond all Di% pute, that the ,Queen was not a Papift in her Heart, but fincerely defign'd to abolifh Popery. TheMeafures fhe took were the molt proper and fubfervient to this great and arduous Undertaking. There were many Reafons, befides thofe already mention'd, why her Re- formation fhou'd proceed upon King Edward's Plan. One was, that vafl Numbers of good and pious Men had fzfer'd greatly, and not afew had dy'd in the Flames, upon that Account. The Blood of thofe Martyrs had gain'd great Regard and Efleem to that Dolrine, Government, and T[Torfhip, for which their Lives were offer'd. Many People undoubtedly had a greater Affection, and would naturally become more zea- lous for that Form, for which them- fekes, their Relations and Friends, had er'd fo much, than for a new one imported from Geneva, unknown and untry'd in England. This Reafon had great Weight with the Exiles in Queen .21, ary's Reign, who warmly prefs'd their Brethren that afterwards removed from Troubles of Francfort to Geneva, to a full Confor- rmklort, mity ; " earneftly entreating them to " reduce the Englifke Churche now " begun there rat Francfort] to its for- " mer Perfection, off the lane had in England,