Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

1161 fettled State in which Queen Mary left it, and not expofe herfelf to fo much Trouble and Danger, as it was eafy to forefee fo great a Change mull certain- ly occafion. Queen Mary's Endeavours to make the Nation entirely Popifh, had fuc- ceeded too well. Bill-lop Cox to a learn- ed Foreigner gives this Account of it. Srtype's Ann." Popery fo encreafed and prevailed in v,,i. t. Ap-cc Five Years only, under the cruel Pend. p.5.4. cs Reign of Queen Mary, that it was cc incredible how very much the Papifis cc were hardened." Biohop jewel, at the fame time, to the learned Bullin- Ibid. ger, " Our Univerfities are fo entirely loft, that there are fcarce two who ee are of the fame Opinion with us. " You can fcarce believe fo great De- " vaftation could be made in fo short Ibid. cc a Time." As to the Bifhops and Clergy, all over the Nation, they were unanimous for Popery, firm as a Rock. Immotus enim, fays Bilbop Cox, fiat Clerus totzis. ranquam dura ftlex, aut flet Marpefia sautes. Súb fzevo Marix imperio ita crevit invaluitque Papifmus ad quinquennial); tantum, ut incredibile fuerit quantopere perfora Papiitarum obduruerint. s4caáemie noftrz ita afRietx Punt & perdite, ut vix due. funt qui nobifcum fentiant vix credas tantum vaftitatem afferri potuifïe tam parvo tempore. SO.