Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

t 27 " lieve (fays that Hiftorian) any Body cc ever queftion'd her being a true Pro- " tefant." Her Letter to Henry IV. upon his turningPapift, is fo expreffive of an inward Conviâion, and the great Regard fhe had for the Próteflant Re- ligion, that, in Juílice to her injured Memory, it (hall be laid before the Reader ; 'tis preferved in Camden and Rapin in the following Words. IT is hardly pjible to exprefs the extreme Grief and 3S'atisfaction, which bas feized me, upon Morley's Reprefentation of Things. Good God, what a miferable Worlddo we live in Could I ever have thought, Sir, that any fecular Confideration could have prevailed with you, to difcard a juft Senfe of God and his Fear ? or, can you ever reafonably expect, that Provi- dence will grant this Change of yours a happy Prue ? or, couldyou entertain a Jealoufy, that the gracious Being, who had fo long fupported and prefer vedyou, wouldfail and abandonyou, at Taft ? it is, believe me, a dangerous Experiment, to do Evil that Good may come. But I hope, you may be yet re- covered to a better Inclination, even the Spirit of a found Mind. In the mean Time, I (hall not ceafe to recommend your