Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

- CHAP.t. upon the Epi.ftle of JAM E s. VERS.q. yet when they are burning in the fires, their Souls burn with no ·z::.e;l or,love to Gods glory: There are many who would dye for Chrift, if they were putt? it, yet will not quit a. lufl for him: ,Viciomperfons, that dye ma goodcaufe, a~·e but ltkea dogs h:ad cut fl{f for facrifice. Well the~, Do not thmk that "'!eer fttffermg will excufe aWick! a life : 'T1s ob!ervable, that Chn!l: fatth la!l: of all, Bte.Jfe1 are they that fujfer for righteoufncfs fak.s, .Mat.'). ro. as intimating that aM artyr mufi have all the precedmg graces; firfr, Btej[ed t~re the poor inJPirit, Blef{ed are the pure in heart; then, Blef[ed are they that futfer. Firfr, Grace is required, and then Martyrdom: The viCl:oty is ~efs over outwa~d ii'Jconveniences, then inward tufts, for thefe bemgmore rGoted LrJ our nature, are more hardly overcome: Under the Law the Pfiefis were to fcarcl1 the beafis, brought for burnt-oJferings, whether fcabbed or mangy, &c. A burnt-offering, if [cabby. is not acceptable to God': In iliort, that Love that k.§epeth the Commandments, is befr able to make us (uffer for them~ Philofophy may teach us to endure hardfhips, as in CurtitMwillingly offered his body to the fires; but Gr11ce onely can teach us to overcome tufts. We read of many that, out of greamefs or fulleonefs of fpirit, could offer 1:1iotence to Nature , bur were at a lofs when they came tQ deal witha corruption; fo eafie is,it to cut off a mem6er rather thenaluff! and to withfrand ail enemy rather then a temptation! Therefore the Scripture, when they fet out an outward enemy, though never fo fierce , call himjle(h, Wtth them is anarmoffl ejh; but when they fpeak of the fpirirual combate, they make it an higher work, andof another nature, -~< We fight not againft flefh,. Ephcr,,, n. andbfoed, &c. Learn rbm to do for God, that you may the better dye for him ,for a wicked man, as he prophanech his AClions, fo his Ptfferings;his blood is but as[wtnes bt~od,a defilement to the Altar. · Other Notes ~ight be obferved out .of this y erfe, but they . may be c?lletled e1tber out of the Expofitton, or. fupplied out of Obfervattons on Chap. z. Verf. ;. where futtable matter is difculfed. Verfe 13 . Let no manf ay, 'When he u tempted, I am tempted of _Go~; for God cannot ·be tempted With evil, nezther • . 'tempteth he anr man, I,_ He cometh no~ to another kinde of temptations, for having N ~o~n