Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

An ExpiJjition, With Notes guide, and the blind follower. So Ez.ek... 3· I 8. The man fhall dye i:¥J·hu iniquity, but hu foul will I require at thy hand. 'Twill be ill for the teacher, and ill for the mijlead foul too. SoSaul is re– jected trombeing King, for obeying the voyce ofthe people, rather then the Lord, I Sam.15.23. Shelomithsfonwasftoned, though he bl.tfPhemed in jpite, Lev. 24· I 4· And it went m withMofls, . though they provoked his fpirit, fo that hejpaf?.! unadvifedly ,Wit/, hu lips, Pfal.I o3.33,H· Certainly 'tisbcffwhen we have nothing to fay but only unclean, unclean. Obflrvat. 2. 2. Creature.r, r~ther then not tramfer their guilt, WiU caff it upon God him/elf. They blame the Lord in their thoughts; 'cis foolifo to caft it altogether upon Satan,to fay, I was tempted ofSa. t~m; alas, ifthere were no S~t.tan to tempt, we Jhou/d tempt our felves; his fuggeflions and temptations would not work, were there not fome int•rvening thought, and that maketh usguilty~: Befides, fome fins have thejrfoie rife from our own corruption,. as the imperfert ~nimals are fomtimes bred, ex putri materia, only out of]limy matter, and at o'ther times they are engendred by copu– lation. ·r u ufolefs to caft it upon others, I was tempted of others. Aaions cannot be acco::npliilied without our own concurrence'i and we mull: bear the guilt: But~tis blaJfthemom to call: it upon God, to fay, I am tempted of qod ; and yet weare apt to do fo •. Partly to be clear in our own thoughts: men would do any. thing rather th~n think bafely of themfelves; for 'Lis mans di(pofition t~ * Prov . 1 6 ,., be* right in hu own eyes. We love thofe glaffes that would make · · . ~ us!hew fairdl: ; 'Tis againfi nature for a man willingly to pof– fefs and own his ownfh~tme ; Job 3r. 33. If I hid my fin .udidA. dam,(i.e.) more hominum, as Adam and all A. dams childrendo,men . would be clearand better then they are. Partly becaufe by cafiing it upon God rhe foul is moft fecure : When he that is to punifhfin beareth thegt1ilt of it, the foul is relieved from muchhorror and bondage; therefore in the way of faith, Gods tranfad:ing oar·fin upon Chrifl: is mofl: fatisfying to the fpirit; I(ai. 53• 6. The Lord h~th laye{i. on him the inicp,tity of m all. Now we wot.tld lay it upen God a."fer(iomof his power and providence; .for if we couldon~e m~,ke Cjoda firmer, w,e would be fecure ; you fee, we do not fear men that faultj .uour [elves, theyneedpar– don as well as we> and therefore is it that the-foul cloth fo wickedly defign tobring God,in~oapar~~rfhip:a~~ fe~ow{hipofour guiJ 1 c. .. Part'}