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104 VERS.I4· AnExpoJition,withNotu CHAP·I~ . 7· Ajudicial Tradition, and delivering them up to the power of Satan, and their own vile affetlions;as Rom. I. z6~ Godgave them up to vi/e4feaions ;·this is whenGod fuffereth thofe x.~tvcts- £vv61tt~~ thofecommon notices to be quenched, and all m~nnerof refiraims to be removed: the truth is, we ·rather give up our [elves; enely becaufe Gdd ferveth his ends of it, 'tis faid, he giveth. 8. A limitation ot: fin : As God appointetb the me~tfures of grace according·to his own good ple~fure; [o alfo the flint offin, it runneth .out fo far as may be for h1s glory: Pfal. 76. I o. The wrath of ma;-J fh.dl praife thee, the remainder th£reof fhalt thou reftrJtin; fo far as it may make for Gods glory, God letteth the ficrcenefs ofman to have its fcope; But whe:o 'tis come·to the fiint and bounds that providence hath fet to it, 'ds quenched in an in– flant. 9· There is a difpofal and taming of it to the ufes of his glory : Rom. 3· 7· Our unrighteoufnefs commendeth his righteoufnefs, and the truth of God abotmdeth to his glory; thro~tgh oHr lye: God is(o good, that he would not{ujfer evil, ifhecould not brmggood out of it: In regard ofthe Hfue and event ofit, Sin may be termed (as Gref[BrJ faid ofAdams fall) fr:elix culpP~, An h"PP'Y fall, be– caufe it maketh way for the glory of G(Jd: ~ris good to note how many attributes are advanced by Sin; Mercy inpardoning,Juftice in puni(hing, wi[dom inordering, Power in over-ruling it ; every way doth our g{)od God ferve himfelf of the evils of men ! The pidure of providence would· not be half fo fair, were ·it not for thefe· bla'ck.Jines and dark!r jhadows. Well then, Let me never blame that qoa for permittingSin, who is willing to difcover fo much mercy in theremitting of it. Verfe 14. 73ut every man is tempted, whenhe is ·drawn aw~y of his own tuft, and antice,d. ': Here he cometh to lhew the trueand proper caufe of Sin, having removed the falfe pretended caufe, namely, Gods providence and decree: The true procreating caufe of Sin is' in every mans s"oul, 'cis his l~ft.; ~ecarryeth tha.t_which is fons ·(3-'fome's, thefood ·and fueL·of tt mh1s own bofomw Now th1s luft worketh tWo ways, by force andfraud, drawing awa) andentiaing, as in i:he Expli~tion will more fully appear.