Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

~·····••t·•·················••+++ .An ~A·dvertifement _to the ' ~eade·r. :Good Reader, 11 T Mu[u11/with thofe that publijh Book.J, to fm;ewhat by way of excufe and ackftowledgment of. the un"Worthinefs ofwhat they pub/ijh; "Whir;h fet– .tmg ajide the modeft fenfe that every man jhould hA11e ofhu oWn e.ndeavars.,jee:me:th not to hewith– .out crime ; if it be ~tn\Vorthy , the excufe will not mdk..,e it ~letter tJr 'fmre pajfable; for tb/4 u to adventure Hpon a crime~tgllinft co11vitlion,and(ifwe maya11ude toam11tterfo weigh– t]) i4 Jomewh~tt lik,.e Pilates c~fe , who "Wafhed his hands , and 7et .condemned Chri{f; u[Nai'J fuch profejfions /Ire bnt counterfeit, llntl th~rt pr11i[e whichmen[etm to negleif,or beat b11ck.. at the firft hop, they readily tak..e at next rebound, which certainly u a v11in And Wick!d artifice indivine rr;~~tters;for be .fides the hypocrifte, there u ,c difParagement done to the preciow truths "Which thq pu/,/ifh, whilft they "Would feem to Weak$n th1 efteem 1[them, that they ?nil) the more. pldlu{lbly promote their own honor: the beft that ca11. befoid ir, th~,et. eve'rJ man in puhlick...'Would appear in a better dreft» then common inftrmit.J will alto'W; and t6 this "Work. wecome not out 1[choij4, /;ut conftraint .: fDr my oWn part (though I Apolo– gies of thu natnre are littlecredited) I canfreely profe{s,that I had ~o itch to appear i11 public~,as C()nceiving m] gifts fitter for privat6 e.di~cation , anti being hNmbled.With•the -cgnftant burthen of four times 11-week., preachi11g,:what could Idol and. if I ·had A mind to divulge my labors,[omc 'Will wonder that I made choi{e ofthu{ub;. · jell, ~hich WIU conceived in my verJyouth, and without the le.~tfl ti-Jm of-an1[P~rther.publication, the~ to the Auditor] that then at– tended npon st-; butitbei'flg atrentire piece, ~tml being per/Waded hJ therenewfd i":portunit]' 'f m~ny gr-acio~Ul!{inifters tmdChrjft.i– •ns, thAt Jt rmght ~onducefomewh~t.t to pubJ,cl{_benefit~ I 'Was w1l• ling to be dr.Af to .t~1l Cfm{iderations of m] f.l'\\111 credit ~tndfame; wherein is thAt to be accounted of. {o 9ne 14"foul receive comfort ~~~profi~ ~ '!_h~ :Epiflle'fJu~e. w~'- ~i~~ ~hiJ/icenfed ~~the pr~f; .. ~-