Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

CHAPolo upon the Epiflleof J A M B s. VERS.I). then ft and,thenfit:Yori fee difl:indly there three different terms for the 1Jerfon.r,the objelt.r,the a[iion.r; fid1: men li~e wickednefs, then \ the~Walk)n it, then are h.:1bitu-tted·; fir.J1 men are \vithdrawn into away of fin, then confirmed, th.:;n profefs it : To do any thing that the Lord hateth,is to \-Valk in the coun(els of the tm<rz.od!y; to go on with delight, is toJland m the way ofjinners; to harden our hearts againfl: checks of~onl.Cience and reproofs, is to commence into the highefi degree,1nd to fit (as 'cis there exprefTed) i:1 the feat offcorn– ers; or as 'cis in rhe Stptuaginr, 'Tr:v Mtp..Civ, to afft>tl: the honour of the chair of pefiilei1ce : Thus you fee ruen go on from aJfent to dcII) 'light, fr:om delight toobduracy. ' Oh that we were wife then to rife againfi fin berimes! That we V[e I , would t11~ the little foxes, Cant. z, 1 5, even the fi1 11: appearances of corruption ! That we would da(h Baby!ons brats again$1 the flone,7Jj"a!.J 37· Hugh:/s glofs is pious, though not fo fuirable to the fcope of that place, fit nihil in te Ba6ylonicam, the leafi of B·~- bylon muil: be checked; not .only the grown men, but dafh the little ones againfl: the fl:one. A Chrifl:i:ms life fhould be fpent :in watching tuft; the debates of theSoul are quick, and foon ended, and, without the mercy ofGod, that may be done in little more then an infiant,that may undo us for ever : ~ris dangerous* to give " Ephei,4. '1.7•· place to Satan; the devil wilf draw us frommotions to action, and from thence to reiteration, till our hearts be habituated and hardned within us : Eccl. I o. I j. The beginninrr ofa foolijh mans jpeech is fooli/bnefs, but the latter end u foolifh ::nadnefs: From follj tbey g.o on todown-right f.alfion. Small breaches in a Sea bank, occaGon the ruine of the whole, if not timely repaired : Sin gaineth upon us by infenfible degrees, and thofe that are once in Satans fnare, are foon taken by him at his will and pleafure. . ' Ho~Jicidii"fiVfe z.It reproveth t!-lem that boldly adventure upon a Gn,becaufe ~:;;t;~ e~ ~rtJ· of the fmalnefs of it, beGdes the offence done to God, in fl:anding t;a~ ,;,:c;~:~t~ with him for a trifle, as the felling of the righteotu is aggravated utero dtJm ad– in the Prophet by the little advantagefor a pair of{hoes : Confider hue fang,uio ~n the danaer to yonr felves · Great faults do not onely ruine the Soul ?ormr;c~ dehb 1 b . , ' . . L ' IJatur Cll(fotvere ut efler ; dallymg Wtth temptations ts 01 a fad confequence : ni)IZ !ice1 nee "eCejar was killed with bod~ins; Look as·~ 'cis murtherto Hiflc an firt nat,:r-a ~aInfant in the womb, .{o 'tis fpiritual murther t:o fupprefs and choke tamq:m aipi– the conceptions of the Spirit · but on the other fide 'cis but a at ammam an neceff~ry rigor to dafh Babvlo;s brats, and to fupprd~ fin i~ theftnafibt~nttTr:m tftl·- J m •• crtbl. Q 2 con- ih Apol.