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II8 VERS.I). · An Expofition, with Notes Bleffed be the God of Jfrae!, Whichfent thee te meet me thu day; I Sam. 25'. H· God fmore Paa! from his horfe, and fo took him" off from perfecution, when his heart boyled with rancor and ma– ltce again!l: the Saints, A[[. 9· Oh, take notice of fuch infl:ances, when your way of fin hath bem hedged up byprovidence, Hofe.a 2. 8. and though lufl:s be not c~eckea, yet th~ execution is dif-ap– pointed ; yon were mad, and lhould have gone on furiouily, but . that Godfence;/. "tp your 1vay with thorns. Obflrvat.4· 4· Tfuat rhe refult and lafl: effect of Sin is death; So the Apofile P.Ju!, Rom. 6. 2 r. Th.: end of thefe things u death: it comerh with apleaflng and delightful fweetnefs, promifing nothing but fa– cisfaCl:ion and contentment, but the end is death: So E~e~. I 8.4. The Soul that jinneth, it /hall dye; 'cis an exprers Law that brooketh ondy the exc{ption o• Free Grace, it lhall dye tempo– rally, dye eternally; this is a principle impreffed upon Narure, the very Heathens were fenGbleof it, Rom. I. 3 2. Knowing that they "1hich commit fuch things are Wonhy of•Death : mark, the Apo– file faith the Heathms knew it; Confcience being fenfible of the wrong done to the God-head, could fear nothing lefs from ar:gry Jufiice. Draco tbe riged Law-gi·ver being asked, Why, when fins w,re equal, he .:tppointeddeath t? all, Anfwered, He lznew that jirts Were r.Jot all equal, but he /znew the !eaft de{trved death. This was that .that made theHeathens at fuch a lofs for a fimsfad:ion ~o divine j u!l:ice , becaufe they could finde none fufficient to re– deem thetr guilty Souls from ihedrettd of Death, and therefore the firfl: effc:Cl of the bloud of Chrifl: upon the confciencc, is purging Heb. ~ 1 4 from dc.-:d Work;; That is, from that fentmce of death which the •v:rvi:l aU tm den ill prr{.1t. r·ommci1t . in ' Dccalo'{, coofcience receiveth, by reafon ofour works. The Papifl:s in this point,worfe then the Heathen, hold fome fins venial in their own nature; 'cistme, 'cis faid rJohn, ).17. There isajinnotunto de.tth, but that placefp~lketh of the event, not the merit; words, evil t hou<ghts, the leafi fins ,deferve dearh: do not think God will be fo extream; ifyou have nobetter plea, that will be a forry re– fuge in the day ofwrath. * Dcwida il1auden, a learned Papifr, faith, Thofe (ins are oj>jfy to be countedmortal, r. which are[aid to 6e a(t abumi'lilatioN toGod, andhatedby him in Scripture. 2.lyTo w:;ich avx, or \\'oe is ett:prrjly denounced. Or 3ly. Arediftin{lly jaid te he 'A' orthy oftternal de.uh. Or 4ly. To excludeandjbut out from the Kingd~m ofhcvrven. Or 5ly. Sttch tU by the l~t.w of Na· tNre