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VE R s. 16. An Expo{it;o,, wi~~Notes CHAp.r~ undedl:anding; this will be better, then to cavil at the difpenfa-. tion of God, that he lhould leave the world in fuch.doubt and fu– fpence. Chryfoftomohfervech, That the Saints do not pray, Lord maize a plainer Law, but Lord open my eyes, that I may fee the \\1fmders of thy Lotw; as David cloth: ~rwere an unjufl: demand for blind men, or they that willingly fhut their eyes., to de!ireGod to make fud.1 a Sun, that they might fee; ~cis better eo defire gihs of the Spirit for the Minifl:er, that the Scriptures might b-e ope1t1ed; and the grace of the Spirit for our {elves, that our underftandings might be opened, that fo we may come to · difcern the mind of · God. - , ,r. It fheweth how much they are to blame that darken truth, and VJC 2., make the things of God the more obfcure :_They dark.,en counfcl by Words; That by method, or manner of fpeaking, perplex the underfl:anding, that people can hardly reach the letter of things de... livered: Many men have a faculty to raife a cloud of dufl: with their own f~et, and fo darken the brightnefs and glory of the Scrip.:. tures; certainly fuch men elcher envy the commonnefs of know– .ledg, or ferve their own efieem, when they draw all things to a difficulty, and would feem to fwim there, where they may eafily, wade, yea pafs over dry- !hod. Ob{ervat.4. 4· Again, from chat [Do i1ot err,] take in the weightinefs of the matter, Ah would you err in this point? in abufinefs that cloth fo deeply intrench upon the honour of. God? The mifiake being fo dangerous, he is the more earnefl: ; Oh do not err: The Note is; That Errors about the Nature ofGod are ver1 dangerom. There is nothing more natural to us, then to have ill thoughts of -God~ and nothing more dangerom ; all prachfe dependeth upon it, to keep the glory ofGod unfiained in your appreherrfions,you !hall fee Rom.r. 23,24• Th(y chu.ngedthegl ory.ofGod,&c. And then qod gave them up to uncleannefs. Idolatry is often expre!fed· by: whoredom ; bodily ~nd fpiritual uncleannefs ufually go together : ill thoughts of God debauch the fpirit, al)d make men lofe thei~:< fenfe and care ofpiety. Wdl rhen, take heed of erring this Error, let not ·the Nature or Glory ofGod be blemilhed in your thoughts, abhor whatever. cometh into your mind, vr may be fuggefred by others,. if it tend any. way to abate yourd~eemofGod, ono. eclipfe the divineGlory' in your apprehenfions. Obflrvllt. ·S·-- 5: ~~~m~~~; [my_6~!~v~~§t_~~~~~;,.J gentle. de.f'lling will befo · · · -- --- --·-·- ~~... . - - - _ ......