Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

• ~, ., ' 'IThe PR E FA c E to the whole Epifile. mention thereof; nor .of rude being alfo one of the feven' called univertal ; yet nocwuhftanding we know them t~ be publickly . • readil;lmoftChurches: SofarEufebius. The otherpaj[ageofgJe-g Hieronim rom· is thi1, Iacobus unam tantum fcripfit Epi!lolam, qux & ip[a ca~al. Ecclcf. ab alia quodam fub ejus nomine edita effe afiericur, · l.icet paulatim fmpt. · tempore procedance obtinueritA~athoritate;that is ,J ames wr.ot~but oneEpifile,which is alfo faid tobe pnt forth by another in his name, thoughby litle and lide in procefs of time it gained Auchoricy in the Church. Thefe are the C!m>Jfes Which firfl begat a doubt ofthis Epiflle; BNt without rea[on-;thefe t\~o Authors reporting thefenfe of others rather then their own;andifany par:t of.Scripttere foould be lP~Jda fide becaufefome have qne{fiPned it'Jthe Devil \'ivottldj oon obtain his purpo[e; one time or another the·greateft part ofit hath bin impeached by men ofa 'Wicfe.pJ and uii[o6er 'Wit , Who when they eouid not pervert th~ rule ,togratifie theirpurpojcs ,refleClcda[corn and contempt upon it; now zt weutd exceedingly fro~rnifo the trt· umphs of hell, if'We fhould think,.their private cavils to be \\Jilrrant fufficient to wea'<!n our Faith ; and btjides difadvantage the Church by the lofs 'Bfa moft confiderable part ofthe Canrm;for the c.afe doth not oni.J concern this EpifJLe, but divers others; M the fe– condofPeter, thefecondand thirdE)iffln e~fJobn,Jhc Book__of the Revdation, h the /aft ChapterofMark, i Some pajfages in the 2.Z. ·h Se~ Hieron . ofLuke, k the begin'!ing ofthe 8. oflohn, Some paJJ'agcs in the 5· q!f(ft.3•ad He.. Chapter of the firft Epifl/e oflohn; where 'Would profanenejJ ftA-J l dzbzn'!' & E'tt• and if this Lib:rty fhould be AlloWed, the flood of Atheifme flop its~hs')mttums. _ ~ .r: . 'b ,r;d 'I h. b n. l J .r, . .a. . 1 ex IPJ ener;. co~rJe.? But eJz es a1• t u,W 1) JuOH a a ;eWP.rzvAte t' fts Bib!. [ana; prepttl£ce the general confent ofthe Ch11rcb Whtch hath tranfmet- ltb 1 c.1p,2. 3 , ted this Epijlle to TU together with other parts of the NeW Te- '-f,. ftammt? for ifWe go to external tdHmony, there is no rcafon but k– the greater number jhouldcarry it;'twereea{te tw inflance inCoun- rzlftis Ptlag. fels andFathers , Who hy 1W unlfinimous /ujf,·age ihave commc.nded 1 • ~. thi& Epijfle t9 theFotith and :Teverence eflbe Church; Thufe Ca-l ~ee Car:tnza · nons Which commonly go under the notme of the Apo{Ues 1 (though .hits fiullma con• -] '- 'fa h b ,().. ) J J • b d CIIO!t~;n pag.7• oa.z not muc upon t ane1.~ml~ny aecreu~ ~t to e recei~e for • Ettfihi~a · Scrtpturc;fo the (ounce/ ofLaod-lcea, Can. 59.[o of Mllev1s, cap. himfelf di(te7· [o the thir.d Couwcel oJCarthage c.(l.p. 47• of Orange • cotp. Z)• renmh it Concilium Cabilonenfe,cotp.3 3• ofToledo,cap. 3.So for the ;c confont f~om thofe . ofthe m~ff An~ientfa~ her!, by Whom 'tis quoted as Scriptu~e; llJ ~/~;~~i~~~~~n· by Igna:ms Ephefios,&c. J.ou mayfee Brochmand. tnpro- tib, 3 .Eccit[.' log. Epift._Iacob! ~nd Iodocus Cocems, huThefanrus Theologtcus, hifl.cap.J- 5 , A :z. • Tern.