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1tpon .theEpif!leof JAM E s. VE R s.~c. nMtt~rJ, Anger a dt~ty ;. if in moral a?~ ci{;it ondy, a rational and temperate dtfplea!ure ~s lawful;_ for CIS but a natural diflike and-motion of the Soul agamfl: what IS unhandfom and trouble(om: but we mu£l: fee that we regard meafure, and time, and other circun;JjttfZnces. 4· Suchas is Withom agood end: The end of all Anger f!)Ult be the forreClion of offences, not th~, executirm of our own malice: Always that Anger i.J evil, which hath/omewhat &Jf mifchief in it ; which airr.eth not fo much at the conviaion2nd reclaiminrr of an offender, as his difgrace and confujion: The fiirring of eh~ fpirit is not flnful, till revenge mingle with it. , Well then, as there mu£l: be a good caufe, there mufl: · be agood end: "' Cain was ·angry with .dbel Without acaufe, and -~< Gen. 4· 5. therefore his Anger was Witk.!;dand (i;iful: But* Efau had jome *Gen.27.4L. cauje tqbe angry with Jacob, and yet his Anger was not excufe- . able, becaufe t!o;ere was mifchief and revenge in it. Secondly, My next work is to fhew you, how finful it is: I have beeri larger in the pare then my,method permitted ; I £hall the more contratl: my felf in this. Confider ~n Argmnent or two. I. Nothing maketh room for Satan more then wrath; Epl1e(. 4· z6, 27. Beangry lflndfin net: and It followeth, Give not place to the Devil: as' if the :Apofile had !aid, if you give place to Wrath, you will give place to Satan, who .will further and fur– ther do[e with you. ·When pajfions are negleCl:ed, they are ripened :into habits, and then the Devil hath akjnde of right in us. The world is full of the tragical dfeds of Anger, and therefore when •cis harbored and entert'!_ined, you do not know what may be the i£fue of it. z. It.much woundeth your own peace :- When the Apofile had fpoken of the fad effeCl:s of Anger, he addeth, Eph. 4· 30. .And gritve ,n~t the ?ol.J s_p~rit, by Which you arefe~led to theday of .Rederf!-ptt-on : Tne Spmt c~nnot endure an unquiet Manfion ·and Habitation: Wrathfut and froward fpirits ufualiy want their[ea/, that peace and efiablifhment which others enjoy ; for the violences of..Anger do not onlydifcgmpofe Reafon, but diff11rb Conj(:ience: The Holy Ghofi loveth a fedate and meek fpirit ; the clamor and. tumult of paffi0n frighteth him from us : and ·~is but juft with God, to let.them want peace ofConfcience, that make fo littleconfcience (}f.Peace. _, Zz