Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

CHAP .I. upfJn the Epiflle of J A M J! s. VE R. S.2. 2 • There joy is from the happy effeels, or confequents, or corn• forts, occafioned by their fufferings. I will name fome. . 1. The honour done tg m: That we are fingled out to bear Wltnefs to the truths ofChriil;to JOU ~tugivm tofuffer,Phii.I.29:Tis a gift and an ad of free-grace: To be called to fuch fpecial ferviCe, is an aCt of Gods fpecial favour, and fo far from being a matter ofdif– couragement, that 'tis a ground of thankfgiving: I P et.4.16. If any man fujfer M aChriftian, let him glori.fie G6d in thu behalf: * Luke 6. 13. Not accufo God by murmuring thoughts, butgloriftehim. This * T!p.vop.~vov Confideration had an influence upon the Primitive Saints and Mar- -S-rb.'AC-1 ~ ~ tyrs; 'cis faid, Acts 5.4r. 7 hat they went away rejoycing that they a-1J'o»~t:>~ ct.V7d.– were counted worthy te fujfer for Chrifo: In the Original, ht Jut- '}~v1(~7c.u. ?ngu:9n11ct.V a.?tp.a.~nva.t,That they were honoured to be dilhonoure.d N orat. for Chrifi; 'Tis a great dignity and honour put upon us, to be .. Exquifltior drawn out before Angels and men as Champions for God and his q~.equc cru~~Truth; and this will warrant our joy. So Chrifi himfelf,Mat-5 .12. ~~':b~~efs;'::a: When men [ay t!ttl manner of evilllgainft you fa! fly,. andf~r my gi_WCf.e,plures nnmes fak.§, rcjey~e,a~.dbe exceedingg~a~. Lu/z.e hath '.t, *}~e;oy~e, t"imu~ quo– and leap for joy : which noteth fuch exiliency of ~ffed1on as IS fbr- tm .melzmttr a red up by fome fuddea and great comfort. .. vobt.s &c.TerTh b ,;; h Ch h . h R r I d c. • rul.m Apol. 2. e eneJ.t t e u~c . recez,vet ; .e1o u~e · e~ences ga1? upon .. Ligabant!Jr., the world: The Church 1shke an *'Oak,. Wh1ch ltveth by zts own inctudcbam1Jr, Wounds,.and the more limbs are cut off,the more new fprouts. Ter- c.edebantur, tullian faith, The heathens cruelty was the-~< great b.,it P?.nd motive t,wquebantur, by which men were drawn into the Chrifiian Religion. And*Au- u~e:art:u~, ;;~ ffin 'reckoneth up all the methods ofde(hutlion, by which the hea- ~I;cb;IJ~u~ ;: thens fought to fupprefs the growth ofChrifiianity,but frill it grew tamen multi~ the more; they were bound, butcqered,racked, fioned, burned, but plhabuntur, fti!l ~hey ~ere multiplied:t~le C~urch wa~at fidl founded in b!ood, ~~~r·. ~~t't~~ and It thrtveth befi when 'CIS moiftenedWith blood;. founded-m tke * Philip' rhe Blood ofChrift,and moiftened or watred,as it were)~ith the.blood Landgra've of of ~h7 fl!lfrt)rs. Well then, they may rejoyce in tkis, That Eitflla being Rel1g10n IS more propagated, and that their owndeath andfuffer- 3 5ked, how he ings do any way contribute to the life and flourijhing of the ~~~~l~~~dau~d Church. tedious unpri· 3·. Their own private and particular comforts. God hath coJ.r.. fon.mem: prq~ , folatloris ol< proper for Martyrs, and his Children under tryals. Let flfJ ru eftJe d~ .. me name afew :·.Sometimes 'cis a greater prefence of the Word, vmru Malrty-: I rr'-1[. 6 -r . J h d . h h ,m·rz· d . rumconfo at~• . _ .1. l'le • I.~ _ • ~~ ~~~~~~e>~--~ ~ if~r West mu~ aJJ.1~~~~on1 an JOJ orm Jert{iffi:. , _ 3 . m Manlius!"