Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

.An Expo/ition, -with Notes and this vain thought is firengthened with fome vain word; there– fore the ApofHe faith, Eph. ). 6. Let no mfln deceive yon with "vain Words: All prailic~d errors are bm amans n.:etural thought! . cryed up for a ·u~tluab!e opini(Jn, and they all tend either to excufe * ~ (lttdwm de fin or to fecur emfrom judgment, or to feduce m into a vain hope; vetl·uatte omt~e: and thus foolith man becometh his own cheater, and deceiveth v u ltn ' mtt o f . hh' h. l.: ~<I 11 1 d . '1 h' expe,-tu~ fmn himfel Wit IS own I wf(.Ftg. n a ~atura an ctvt c mgs ~e qui 'llclmt (al defire to know the truth, Mrmy do decewe, but none 'Would Wtll– lm~ q:ti a!t tem inuly be deceiv.ed; bur in fpiritual things we think our felves never f a/Jt 11 1~rt.bmicm. m~re happy then when we have feduced our fouls into a vain .hope, Aug. 1 1 o, . f' l d·r. Confe P·l3 or gotttn themmto a oo spara 11e. ' . objer~at. 3• 3· From that CTh~ hcfha/1 receive] The caufe why w.e re.: ceive not upon askmg, ts nor from God, but our felves; Hegweth liberally, bnt we pray doubtingly: He wonldgive, but we can– not receive : We fee men are diji:e~uraged, when they are diflruft– ed, and f~efjition is the ready way ro mak~ them unfaithful; and certainly when we d1ilrufi God, 'tis not reafonable we:. lhouldex– peel: ought from him: Chrifi fatd to Martha, Job. 11. 40. If thou wortlti{f beleeve, thou (bouldft fee the glory ofGod; that is, Power, Love, Truth, di!covered in their lufire and glory: Omnipotency k.!zoWeth no reftraint, onely 'tu d~(couraged by mans unbelief : therefore 'cis [aid, JWark_6. 5, 6. Arld he coulddo nomighty wori{ there, becaufe of their unbclief; He couldnot, becaufe he would not, not f~r want of power in him, but for want of dt.rpojition in the people~ So Mark_ 9· 22, 23. The father comech for apotfelfed child, Mafier, if thou canft do any th1ng, help m: Chrifi anfwer– eth, If thou canfl beleeve, all things ~tre pojfible to him that be. leeveth: The difire!fc:d father faith, if thou canft do any thing; our holy Lord faith, If thon canft beleeve: as if he had faid, Do not doubt of my po"Yer, but look to thy own faith, I can, ifthon !' / . canft : I£ we were dtf~ofed to receive as God is fitted to give, we ll10uld not be long Wlthont an Ar.fwer. Omnipotent powercan– fave to the mtermol1:, infinite ~ove can pard~to the nr-termoft, if we could bm beleeve; All thmgs are poffible to him that beleev– eth,that is,God can d_o all things for comfort and ufe of Beleevers; faith is his immutable ordinance, and he will not go out·of his own way. Wdlthen, If yo~ receive not, 'tisnot for want of power in God, but want offaith in your felves. 0/Jflrv. 4• 4· Er~~ that [Any thing}N~ither wifdom, nor any thinge~[e; . ~t