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- VERS.8. AnE:fpojition, with Notes CMAP.r.: - forrowand defpair, and poffibly-that may be ·one reafon why the Pfalmifr comparerh t111e wicked to chaff, Pjal. I. 4· becaufe they have no firm flay and fi1bfifience, but are driven to and fro by va– rious and uncertain motions, leading th~ir lives by guefs, rather then any fore aim. 2. In their opinions, Hypocrites ufually wa– ver and hang in fufpence, being difiratl:ed between conflience and cv.rnal affeCtions; their affeCtions carry them to Bad!, their con– fciences toGod, as the Prophet faith to fuch men, I ](ing. 18.2 r. How longWillye halt between two opinions?Theyare ufually guilty of a promifcuous compliance, which, though ufed by them in car– nal policy, yer ofren ;:endeth to their hurt : for this indifferency is bate!ul to God and men, Gu.i loatheth it, Rev. 3· 1 5. I /z,noW thy wori<J, I would thou wert either hot or cold, /Jut becaufo thou art neither hot rJOr cold, I 1vill JPue thee out of my mouth: ' Luke– wmnnefs is that temper that is moO: ingr.ate to the fiomach, and. therefore caufeth vomits; fo are lukewarm Chrifl:ians to God, his ways are not honor1red but by azealous earnefinefs, And ma;i ,1Jateth it: Solon did not judg him a good Citizen that in a civil '"M~a-@· ri~ ·war took neither part;· ufually fuch * midling met;J, likethofe that J.p.!f!ol~fcuv come.between two fencers, fujfer on bothfides: - 1-confefs, fome– xax.c-:> . ?T'd')(IH times godly perrons may be at aftand, thofe that make confcienc•e N a~. or/!t. of things are not rafh .in choyc_e; and therefore ufually there is I 3• fome ht£jitancy beforeengagl'ment, which, though it be an infirmity, yet God winkcth tzt zr, as bng as they endeavor fatisfaai– on: but certainly a(:h1lde ofGod tbvuld not refi in fucb a frame of fpirit.; Sinceruy 1:> n;mch tryed by an e./fablifhment in the pre~ f'ent truth, 2 Per. 1. I 2. that is, by uprightnefs in the cc,ntrovcr– lies of our age and time' ; ~nttquatedopinions, that are alcogecher ftvered and abftracl:t:d homprefent inte-reJls~ are no tryal, there– fore 'ris good to be pofirive and fetled 1v T'i ?T'~f ~IT~ ctM9E-i~, in the truth that now is: I confcfs, fuch cafes may happen, where the pretences of bo~h Gdt:Sar~ ~9j'air, and c~e mifcarriages [o foul, that we know not which to choo(e; and (as Cato faid ofthe Civil PVurs between C4ar and -Pompey, ' que.mjitJJ)am video quem fo– quar.non video,} we can better fe~ whom to avoyd, then whom *Bon~tsaninms to dofe with and follow, and thereupon _tht.'re rpay be haditancy mm1uam u:: and indiffetency ;: But this is n~i ther ~llo:v~d for the prefent, nor . :a~t~:;[:;;;: continuedou~ ~f fn~erdf, but c~nfcience; ~nq *~ever defcendeth dat~ Ambrof. to any bafe C011:1phances f or t~dv~ntage. ,..,..~. · z, ~ oat