Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

The Epiftle DedicatfJrJ. - -·--o-b-li-ga-t-io~n:-- " i-n--,th_e_P_r_o-::-fe_.ffi~to-=- ·n_a_n-.d-P-r-aa_i_cv=-e o-f-t-he Truths of Religion. 'Tis ufual in Scripture to ' I • afcribe a .Teflim~ny, producible at the day of Judgment, to the more notable eircumllances and accidents of humane Life; as, to the rufl of hoarded Mony, lames 5· 3· to the folemn Pub– lications of the Gofpel; the duft of the Apoflles feet,~c. Matth. 10. And fo (I remember) in the Primitive Times, when grown.·perfons were baptized, theywere wont to leavea Stole and white garment in the Vellry of the Church for a teA:imonyand witnefs: wherefore when one Elpidophorus had revolted from ~he. Faith, ·the 1Jeacon ofthe Church cameand toldJlim., 0 El– pidophorus, Iwill keep this Stole M aMonument againfl thee to all Eternity. And truly 13ook.s, being pub 4 lique Monumen~s, are muchofthis nature, a tefl:i.. mony likely tobe produced in theday ofJudg... ment~ not onelyagainfl: the Author, but thePer.. [9ns to whom they are infcribed, in cafe oneither fide there be any defeCtion in Judgment, o~ Manners, from the Truths therein profeffed: . For they being·con~gned to their refpeCt and Patronage, they are drawn into aFellowfhip of the Obligation. , Sir, there are .manyReafons why I fhould p~efix your Name to this Work. Befides the " · · general