Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

VB R S.,IO. ' An E~pttjition, wit~ Notes ,·", __ ..._ - -- tbe rich; that is, the rich brother; ufuall}1 they-are ag1'eat [14t~,re>cf ~rlS an hard matter to enjoy the world without being intangleJ. the cares and pleafures of it;, The Muon never fuffert'th eciipfe but when 'tu at the full, and ufually in our fulnefs we miC– carry : and therefore our. Saviour faith, Mat b. 19.' z. It is eafier' for 4-Camel to go thorough the eye ofaneedle, then for a rich .wa'J. to enter into the 1\ingd~m of qod: 'Tis afewilb proverb to nqte an impoffibility, rich men lbould often think of it ; A Camel may · asfoon go through aneedles eye, as you enter into the Kingdom of God; that were arare miracleof vature indeed, to fee aCamel, or an Elepha;-;t, to pafs through a ·neeclle,s eye; and ~cis as rare a. * • A ct9o miracleof grace, to fee arichmangained to Chrifr, and alove of ~v1:t. J,ctq;~:' H~~vcn; of all p_erfons in_ the .wotld, they ~re leafr app~ehenfive of e9P1c~~ , f~mtual_ex:cellenctes: Chnfr h1mfdf came mpov~rty, en Pl preju- - ,,' !0, dice,Mttwere,tothtm that love rtches; *Plato, an Heathen,. 'if'I''&~IOJI EiVd-1 r:. h h f: a1 11. • hCh '/1. Th . . ,rr;t., fi r. , 1 1att t e ame mo,n wtt nu, at ,tu tmpo 11 ro e or.a man d tctq;€e~v (r)~ b · l · h d · l d * Tl f · 'J'' 1 to eemment(jrtc ,.m emmentrygoo. 1e way o grace tS ;;;; ov. ufually fo flrait, that theres fcarce any room for them that would - * Nono.poffurzt enter with the~r great burthen~ 0~ riches and honour. Bu~ you will in ccelttJn a[pi- fay, What wdl you have Chrilltans to do then? In a lavdb lux:uty cere, quonia'!l to throw away their efrates? or in an exce~ of charity to make ,0mms corurn m thers full, when themfelves are empty? I anfwer, N ; There are ~umum ~·j;a' two paffages to mollifie the rigor of our Lords. .fi:tying, One js in e~:~;;;:tt~ ~;ta the Context, -!< WithGotJall things arepojfible : Difficulties in the t"e~ via no;zea· ~ay to Heaven (erve ro bring us to a\Clefpair of our j', not ob pit mag-aa oneta Gad i he can. loof~n the heart from the ivorld~ that riches fiull be tr~ntes. l'b no impediment: as Jab by pr(J7Jidmce..was made -eminently rich, fc ~ ant. 1 • and byl;race' emi'ne4'Jt:!y godly, nrme lik! him in all the earth ; Job :;fat, 19 2.6. I. 8. 'I'he other paffage is in Mark_to. 23, ~4· Jefus faid, How hard i~ it for. them that have riches to, enter into th.c Kingdom of 010d f And~ the !Jifcipl~s were a{tonijkd.~fhi; Words: ,But {ef as. ~J.nfWirLth again.,·· Haw.hard is it fort :t/omitthat truft in riches t,o (;nUY.. ime theJ(i~dom QfGod.? 'Tis not the b:t1:1ing, but the truft· i»g; Riche~ iq .the having, in the barepoj[effion, are not an hinder.. ~lllce to Chtifiianicy, but in tour -abufe of them: The fum of all is, ~Tis itnpt!>ffible1o tru4f~ in ruches, aqd:.enteninr(r the Kingdom.of God; and 'tis to m impojflble 't0 h.,averi:t:hcs,· ~ndnono tru{f ,~ them. Well then, Of all men, rich men thould be mbTh careful; •r .~~.IS''';\_ ,) a:.h~n lilay-betricll amt~odly; ·bm ~cis ~aufe now-and then God v .. .11 · will