Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

5o T1.1e Perjonof Chrifl tlzeFoundation .thofe waies and methods, and that from Eternity whkh con– duce unto, and certainly i!fue in that Glory whitlrl.s uiri– mately intended. For as we are careful to frate the Etern.al '1Jecrees of f.!od, and the afrual operations ofhis Providence~ fo as that tbeLiberty of the Will ofman as the next Caufe of all his Moral Ailions, be not infringed thereby; fo ought we to be careful not to afcribe fuch a Sacrilegiour Liberty unto the Wills of any Creatures, as that God ihould be for– prized, impofed on, or changedby any of their afrings what– ever. For known unto him are all his works from the Founda– tion of the world, and with him there is neither variableneft norjhadow of turning. 4 There were therefore Eternal Counftls o/ Godwhereby he difpofed all' things into a new order unto his ·own Glory in the SanCl:ification and Salvation of the Church. And of .them two things may be confidered. ( 1. ) Their Original. . { 2.) TheDejign of their Accomplifhment~ . .' Their nrfr Spring or Original W9,S in the 'Di'Vine Will and Wi[dom alone, without refpect unto any external moving Caufe. No Reafon can be given, no caufe be ailigned of thefe Counfels, but theWilt ofGod alone. Hence are they called or defcribed by, t4e goodpleafure which he purp.efet!in himfelf, Ephef.·1.9. The purpofe ofhim who workethall things according to the Counfel ofjJi:s"#ri tl; v. I I~ Who bath k.nown the mindofthe Lord, or/vho bath been his Counftlter, or who hath gi'Ven firfl unto him, and it _(hall be recampenced to him again; for of him, and through him, and to him are all things,. Rom. I I. )4,. 35, 36. The Incarnation ofChrill, and his Me– diation thereon were not theprocuring Caufe ofthefe Eternal Counfels ofGod; but the EffeCts of thern as the Scripture eonilantly declares. But the Defign of their Accomplifhment was laid in the Perfon of the Son alone. As he was the Ef– fential Wifdom of God all things were at firil: created by · him.