Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

- y 5 2 1 !Je Perfon of C!Jri.ft the Foundation Lord Chriil: in the enfuing Difcourfe, are aiferted, v~r 5'· (r. ) That he is the Image of the btv~fible God; (2.) That he is the firfl-!Jorn ofevery Creature; Things feeming very difiant in themfelves, but glorioufly united and centring in his Perfon. r. He is the Image of the Invifible God; or as it is elfewhere· expreifed; he is in tJ;e form of God, his eJ[enrial Form, for other Form there is none in the. DivineNa~ure. The Brig,ht– nejs of the Glory, ~nd exprefs Image of the Fathers Perfon. And he is called here the Invifi/;/e God, not abfolutely with refpefr unto his Eifence, though it be mofi true, the Divine Efiertce being abfolutely Invifi6le, and that equally whether confidered as in the Father or in the Son. But he is called fo, with refpefr unto his Counfels, his T1lill, his Love and his Grace. For fo none hath feen him at any time, ~ut the only •: / ·!Jegotten which is in the /Jojome ofthe Father, he declares him, · ....:..,. John~ r. r8. As he is thus the eJ!ential the eternal Image of the Invifible God, his Wifdom and Power, the ·Efficienc;' of the jirfl Creation, and its confiflence being created, is afcribed unto him, v. r6, 17. Byhim were all things Created that are in Heaven and in Earth, vifible and invifi/;/e; And becaufe .ofthe great Notions and Apprehenfions that were then in the '\Vorld, efpecially among the Jews unto whom · the Apofr1e . had refpecr in this Epifile, of the Greatnefs and Glory of the Invifib!e part of the Creation in Heaven above, he m~ntions them in particular, under the moft Glorious Titles that .any could, or then did afcribe unto them; whether they be ihrones or 'Dominions,or Principalities or Powers. All things were cre– ated by him and for him; the fame expreffion that is ufed of God abfolutely, Rom. r 1. 36. Rev . 4· r r. Add hereunto thofe otherplaces to this purpofe, John r. r, 2,3. He/;. 1.1,2,3. and ,thof~ that are not under the efficacy of fpiritual infatuations, cannot but admire at the power ofVn6elief, the blindnefs of the minds of men; and the craft of Satan, in them who deny · the