Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

ofGod and his \'Vill. Manife!l:ation of himfelf which he defigned. For 6. All this is done in the Perfon of Chrifl. He is the~cmpleat Image and PerfeCt Reprefentation of the Divine Being and ExceUencies. I do not fpeak of it_abfolutely, but as God propofeth himfelfas tqe ObjeEl ofour Faith, Tru!l: and Obe– dience. Hence it is Godas the Father who is fo peculiarly reprefented in him and by him; as he fays; he that hath ften the Son hathfeen the Fathera/fo, Joh. If·9· Unto fuch a Repreftntation two · things are required. (r.) Thatall thePropertiesofthe DivineNa:ture, the know– ledg whereof is neceifary unto our prefent Obedience and future Bleifednefs, be exprf:({ed in it, and manife!l:ed unto us. (2.) That there be therein the nearefl approach of the Di– vine Nature made unto us whereof it is capable, and which wedmret eive. And both thefe are foundin the Perfon of Chrijl, and therein alone. ' I In the Perfon ofChri!l: we confider both the Conflitution of it in theV11ion of his Natures, and the Refpetl: of it urito his 1¥ork ofMediatirm, which was theEnd of that Con!l:itu– tion. And (I.) Therein as fo confidered, is there a bleffed Repreftntat;on madeuntC? us ofall the Holy Properties of the Nature ofGod; ofhis Wifdom, his Power, his Goodnefs, -Grace and Love, his Righreoufnefs, Truth, and Holinefs, · his Mercy and Patience. As , this is affi rmed concerning them all in gene~aJ, or the Glory of God in them, ·which is feen and known only in the face of Chri/f ; fo it were eafy to manifeil: the fame· concerning every one of them in particu– lar, by exprefs tefrimonies of Scripture. But I ihall at prefen,t ' confine my felf unto the proofs of the whole Affertion which doenfue. 2. There is therein the inofl: incomprehenjible approach ofthe Di-vine Nature made unto ours; Such as all the Imaginations ofmen did ever infinitely fall fl10rt of; as hath been before d.e– clared