Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

74 Tl.1e Perfon ofChrifl fh~ great f'i\!prefentatirve vens, the Seat and Throne .o~ God, with other EffeCl:s of creating Power and Wifdom, would no lefs reprefent his Glory than it could be done in him. Ye't are they no where joyntly nor feparately fiiled the Image of the ln'Vijible God; · the brightnefs of his &hrj, . and the, exprefs Image ofhis Per– fin ; nor cloth God fhinb into our hearts to give us the Know– ledge of his Glory in the face of them. And it argues the woiul Enmity of the Carnal Mindagainft God, and all the Effects of his Wifdom, that whereas he hath granted us fuch a gloriow Image and Reprefentation of himfdf, we like it not, we .delight not in the contemplation of it, but either defpife it, or neglect it, and pleafe our felves in that which ·is incomparably beneath it. · 4· Becaufe God is not thus known, it is that the Know– ledge of him is fo barren and truitlefs iq the world, as it ma– nifeil:s it felf to be. It were eafie to produce, yea endlefs to number the Teilimonies that might be produced out ofHe'a– ·rhen Writers, given unto the Being and Exi}lence of God, his Authority, Monarchy and Rule : Yet what were the Effects of that Knowledg which they had? Befides that \vretched Idolatry wherein they were all immerfed, as the Apoil:le declares, Rom. r. it refcued them from no kind of wickednefs and villany, as he there alfo manifeil:s. And the Yertues which were found among them, evidently derived from other Caufes, and not from the Knowledge they had of God. The Jews have the Knowledge of God by the let– t er of the Oldieflament. But yet not knowing him id ~hrift, and"having loil: all fenfe and apprehenfion of thofe Reprefen– tations which were made of his being in him in the Law, they continue univerfally a people carnal, obfiinate and wicked. They have neither the Pirtues of the Heathens among them, nor the Power of the Truth of Religion. As it was '\-V~th them of old,. fo it yet· continueth to be ; they . profefs 1-