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of Sacred Truth. 77 tion of the Church; concerning which the Apofi:le falls into that holy Admiration; 0 the depths of the Riches both ofthe; Wifdom and Knowledge ofGod,Rom.r x.n. And they are called Treafures in a twofold account both mentioned together by •the Pfalmift. Howprecious are thy thoughts unto me 0 Lord, how great is the fumme of them? They are Treafures becaufe precious and unvaluable, and are therefore ufually preferred above all earthly treafures which men mofi highly efieem, Pro-v. 3· 14, r 5· And they are fo becaufe of the greatnefs of · the fumme of them; and theretc>re alfo called .unfearchable Riches, Ephef. 3· S. Thefe precious unfearchable Treafures of the Wifdom and . Knowledge of God, that is, all Divine fupernatural Truths, are hid, or fafely depoiited in Chrifi, in and from whom alone they are to be learned and re– ceived. So are we faid to learn the iruth as it is in Jejus,Eph-4 .2r. And the knowledge of all Evangelical Sacred Truth, is in the Sctiipture moft trequently expre.ITed by the Knowledge of him,John8 . 19, chap . !]. j .' 2Cor , 2 . I4. chap·4· 5,6. Ephef. r. 17 Phi!. 3· 8, ro. r John 1. r, 2. chap.2.4, q, I4"chap.f20. 2 Pet. 2. 20. Setting afide what we have difcourfed and proved ·before concerning the laying, of the Foundation of all the Counfels of God i1t the Perfon ofChrift, and the Reprefentation of them ·in the ineffable Confiitution thereof, I ihall give fome few Infrances of this Relation of all fupernatural Truth untq_him; ~nifefiing, that we cannot learn them, nor know them., but w1th a due refpefr thereunto. . r. There are two things wherein theGl&ry of T_ruth cloth · coniifi; firfi, its Light. Secondly, its Efficacy or Power. And_ ·. both thefe. do all fupernatural Truths derive from this Rel<r,. _ tion unto Chrifr. No Truth whatever brings any Spiritual Light unto the mind but by vertue thereo£ In him is Life, · and'