Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

of Sacred 'Truth. 8 1 the Love, Wifdom, Goodncfs and ·Grace ofGod unto us, or -tn./fruEtive in our Obedience and Duty to him, all the acrings of God towards us, and all ours towards him, being in and through him alone. And whereas all the Life ·and Power of thefe .Truths,. all their Beauty, Symmetry, and Harmony in their Union and Conjunction which is expreffive of Divine Wifdom, is all from him who as a living Spirit diffufed through the whole s_~fleme both aas and ammates it, all the Treafures of Truth, Wifdom and Knowledge may be welt faid to be hid in him. And we may confider fome thing'i ~that enfue hereon. . 1. Hence it is that thofe who reject th~ Divine Perfon of Chriil:, who believe it not, who difcern not the Wifdom, Grace, Love and Power of Go:i therein, do· confl:antly re– jeer or corrupt all other fpiritual Truths of Divine Revela– tion, nor can it otherwife be. For they have a conftflency only in their Relation · unto the Myfiery of 'Godlinefs, God manifejl in the fle{h ; and from thence derive their fenfe and meaning. This being removed, the Truth in all other Ar– ticles of Religion immediately falls to the ground. An In- . fiance hereof we have in the Socinians. For although they retain the common Notions of the Unity and Exifience o£ the Divine Nature, which are indelibly fixed on the minds of men, yet is there no one Truth that belongs peculiarly unto Chriil:ian Religion, but they either deny it, or horribly deprave it. Many things concerning God and his Effential Properties; as his Immutability, Immenfity, Pp~fcience, they have greatly perverted. So is that fulfilled in them which was fpoken by Jude the Apofile, ·v. ro. They jjeak evilofthe things which they k11ow .not, and wbat they do know naturalfy as brute 6eajls, in them they corrupt themfllves.. So 'they do in the things mentioned whereof there are natural Notions -in the minds of men. But of E7-'angelical rruths, M which