Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

The Preface. vindication of thofe words of our bleffed Saviour; ·wherein he declares.himfelf to be the Rock whereon the Church is built, Mat. 1- 6. 1. 8. And I Jay alfo unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this ~ck.JVill I build my Cl)urch, and the Gates ofBell foall not prervail again.ft it. _ The pre... tended ambiguity of thefe words, hath be.e·n \Vrefl:ed · by the fecular lnterdls of men to give occafion tint(} ·that prodigious controverfie among Chriftians,namely, \Vhether .Jefus Chrifl: or the Pope of (]\gme be the Rock . tvhereon the Church is built.. rfh0fe holy men of old , , unto wh0m Chri!l: was precious, being untainted with the defires of fecular Grandeur and Power, knew no thing hereof.. Telli1nonies may be, they have been· 1nultipliecl by 0thers unto this pu.rpofe ; I !hall men.~ tion fome ·few of them. ot7®.. t<1w ,; 7I"eJ; 1- 7f"Cl;-neJJ- 'ct-xl!:m oJ'b5, . -n mT-est., -n x/..~s a· im1pJ,v, &c•. faith Ignatitu Epifl• .ad Philadelph. He (that is Chrifl). i5 the way leading UNto tJ,e Father, the rJ?..pcl<,_tbel\j;Y, the Shephsrd, wherein he hath refpett unto. this,'Tefl:i- .many.And Orig~n exprefly denies the·words to be fpoke11 of Peter, in 'Afatth. chap. 16. Trafi. 1. Q!!_od Ji fuj/er unum illum Petrum tantum exiflimes totam E~clejiam tedijicari~ qutd t!iElttrM es deJohanne, & Apoflolorum unoquoque. ; Num at~ dtbirnus dicerequodadverfus Petrum unum non prevaliturtefunt ;.ortte inferorum. If you foalt ~;inktlJat the whole- O;,urch was built onPeter alone, ~1Vhat jha{l we fay' ofJohn, and each of .t.beApof!les? -what ffiall we dare to Jay that the Gates ofHell , · J' · foal!: ,•'