Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

1 14 Honour due to the Perfon of Cl;rifl ; tion,and took on him the form of a Servant. But he eternally and unchangeably continued in the form ofGod, and thought– it no Robbery to be equal unto him, Phi!. 2. 6, 7· He can no more really and efientially by any att df Condefcenfion or Humiliation, ceafe to be God, than God qn ceafe to be. Wherefore his being cloathed with our Nature, derogates no· thing from the true Reafon of Divine Wodhip due unto him, but adds an effeElual Motive unto it. He is therefore the im– medi~te Obj~Cl: ofal~ Duties ofReligion,internal andex~rnal. And m the D1fpenfatton of God towards us, none ofthe can be performed in a due manner without a refpeCl: untohi . This then in the firfl: place is to be confirmed; namely,that all Divine Honour is due unto the Son ofGoJ incarnate, that is the Perfon ofChrifr. John 5· 2). It is the \vill of the Father, That allmen jhould honour the Son, even as they honour the Father: He that ho– noureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father that Jent him. Some Confiderations on this Divine Tefl:imony will confirm our Pofition. It is of the Son Incarnate that the words are fpoken ; as all Judgment was committed unto him by the Father, as he was Jent /;y him, -ver. 22. That is, of the whole Perfon of Chrifl: in the exercife of his Mediatory Office.. And with refpeCl: hereunto it is, that the Mind of God is peculiarly revealed. The way whereby God manifdl:ethhis Will, that all men ihould thus Honour the Son, as they Ho– nour the Father, is by committing all Power, AtJthority and Judgment unto him; -ver. 1 o, 2 I, 2'. For the Father loz·eth the Son, and jheweth him all things that himfelf doth ; and he willjhew him greater works than thefe, thatye may mar-vel. l'or as the Father raifeth up .the dead, and quickeneth them; e·ven fo the Son quickeneth whom he will. For the Father juc{rt;,eth no man, but hath committer! all Jurlgment unto the Son. Not that thefe things are the formal Reafon and Caufe · of