Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

·The .Prerace. ·ihi5 (j{gck which tlJou haft confeffed, upon my felf the Son of the .Lirving God, I will buildmy Church. I will build thee upon . ~y felf, andnot my [elf on thee. And he more fully de– clareth his 1nind, TraEl. 1 24. inJohan. Ecclefia .in hoc Jeculo dirverfis tentationibus, rvelut imbribus, Jluminibu,, tempeflati:! bufque quatitur, & non cad~t; quoniam fundata eft Jiepra · Petram; unde &Petrus nomen accepit. Non enim a Petro Petra, fed Petrus aPetri; jicut non Chriflus a Chrifliano, fed Chriftianus .aChrifto ruocatur. Ideo quippe qit DominusJuper ];anc P~tram .ediftcaboEccl~fiam meam, quia-dixerat Petrus, tu ,es Chriflusfilius /Dei rui"Vi ; Juper hanc ergo ( inquit ) Petram .quam confejfus es, .ed&lJcabo Ecclefiam meam. Petra enim erat .Chrijl'us, Jupra quod fundamentum etiam ipfe .edi[icatus eft Pe== trus ;· fundamentum quippe aliud nemo poteft ponere, pr.eter i~ quod pojitumeft, quod eft Jefus Chrijtus. The Church inthf! uxJrld is jhaken with di1Jers temptations, as with jhowers, jloof.ls and tempefts, yet fal!eth not, becaufe it is built on the rt\gck (Petra) from 1vhence Peter took bis name. For the rf.{gck is not calledPetra from Peter, but Peter is fo called from Pe- 1 tra the rJ.\!;ck; M Chrift is not fo called from Chrijlian, but Chriflian from Chrifl. Therefore [aid the Lord, upon this R.!ck 1vill I buildnry Church, becaufe Peter hadJaid, thou art Chrift, the Son~{ the Living God. Upon this rJ(()(k, 1vhich tl;ou haft conf effid, will I buzldmy Church. For Chrift him:felf 1vas the lf\!!ck on 1vhich foundationPeter himfelf tVM built. For other foundatirJncail no man lay , Ja-ue that 11Jhich is laid, u:hich is Jefus Christ. Cha