Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

The Preface. Father frol.}'l eternity, he is the dfential Image of the Father, by the Generation of his Perfon, and the Corn.. munication of the Divine Nature unto hitn therein. As he is incarnate, he is both in his O\Vn entire Perfon God and Man, and in the AdminiA:ration of his Office, the ~mage or Reprefentative of the Nature and Will of God unto t1s, as is fully proved. So fpeaks Clem. Alex– andrin. Admonit. ad Gentes ; ;, pvev ~ ~ Ge~ 8~v o icoyos w~, ~ U11's ~ Jl~ yynozos, d~8os ?ciyos, cpw7~s drx/rumv cpws, 8U:JI S -r{; i;.oy~ odY~pwms. The Image of God is his own Word, the na:: .tural Son of the (Eternal) Mind, the Di<Vine Word, the or!gi:: nal L!ght ofLight ; and the Image of tl;e Word is man. And the fame Author aoain P~dao-Ofl. 1re)rmnrov ~ 8e~ o ?coyos, ~ V 66 • rJJ cpw71~et:rv.,t o Geds iJ yvwpf,e7cu. 1he Word is tlJeface, the countel}ance, th·e reprejentation of God, in tvhom he is brought to light and made known. As he is in his Divine Perfon h~s eternal effential Image, fo in his Incarnation, as · the Teacher of 1nen, he is the · Reprefentative hnage of God unto the Church, as is afterwards declared. So alfq Hierom expreffeth his mind herein, Comment. in Pfal. 66 . .Illuminet <Vultum fuum fuper nos; Dei facies qute. eft ~ utique Imago e;us. · 'Dicit enim Apoftolus irnd{!;i~ nem Patris effi filium; ergo imagine Jua nos illuminet; hoc eft, imaginem f uam ftlium illuminet Juper nos ; ut ipfe nos illuminet; Lux enim Patris Lux fiLii eft. Let him caufe 1Jis face to jhine upon UJ ; or 1ift up the light of his coUJ1e< . renance upon us. What is tl::e face of God, e)Jen bis Im1r,e? E For