Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

The Preface. . Chap. 9· In the ninth Chapter, and thofe foilovv-? incr we treat of the Dh,ine Honour that is due unto the. 0 Perfon of Chrifl::, expre!fed in . Adoration, Invo::ation, and Obedience proceeding from Faith and Love. And the foundation of the \Vhole, is laid in the difcovery of the true nature and caufes of that Honour : And three things are defigned Ul1t0 confinnation herein. (I.) rfhat the Divine Nature vvhich is individually the fame in each Perfon of the holy Trinity, is the proper fonnal object of all Divine Worfhip, in Adoration and It1'" vocation. Wherefore no one Perfon is or can be vvor– fhipped, but in the fame individual ACt: of -\Vorfhip, each Perfon is equally worfhippedand adored. (t.)That it is lawful to direct Divine Honour, Worfhip and In– vocation unto any Perfon, in the ufe of his peculiar Name, the Father, Son, or Spirit ; or unto thetn alto- -gether: But to make any requeft unto one Perfon, and immediately the fame unto another, is not ex– en1plified in the Scripture, . nor among the Antient Writer~ of the Church. (3.) That the Perfon of Chrift 'as God-man, is the proper ObjeCt: of all Divine Ho– nour and \Xlorfhip, on the account of his Divine Na– ture; and all that he did in his Humane Nature, are Motives thereunto. The firft <'>f thefe is the confl:ant DoCtrine of the whole Antient Church, namely, that whether ( for inftance) in our folemn Prayers and Invocations, \Ve e call .