Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

The Preface. nati·-vitate filius. Tl 1 e Father did not a!fume flejh, nrtr the Holy Spirit, but the Son only; that he who in the 'Deity UJM the Son of the Father, jhould be made the Son of man, in his Mother of Humane ([{_ace; that the Name of the Son_jhould 1wt pafs unto any otber, who lPM not the Son by an eternal Nati<Uity. . I fhall clofe with one M·editation of the fame Author, concerning the Wifdom and Righteouf- · nefs of God in this Myilery. Bnchirid. ad Laurent. cap. 99· Vide----unirverfum genus lmmanum tam juflo judicio Dirvino in apoflatica radice damnatum , ut etiam ft nul/us inde liberaretttr, nemo reEte poJSit !Dei rvittt"' perare juflitiam ; & qui liberantur, fie oportuiffi libe"' rari, ut ex pluribus non liberatis, atque damnatione ju– ftiftima dereliElis , oflenderetur, quod meruijfet uni<Uerfa confperJio , & quo etiam iflos debitum Judicium Dei du ... ceret, nifi ejus indebita mifericordia Jubveniret. !Behold, tl;e whole f}(ace ofMankind ly the jufl Judgment of God Jo condemned in the apoflatical root, that if no 'one were · thence delivered, J'et no man could rightly comp!~tin of the Juflice ~fGod; and tlJat tlJofe wl;o are freed , ought Jo to be freed, that from tlJe greater number tPl:io are not freed, but left under mofl righteous condemnation , it ·fni~ht be n~anifejl what the whole maft had de[er11ed, and . ·~ whither the .Judgment of God due unto .them .would lead tbem ,, if his mercy, -which wa-s no't due, did not relieve– them ..