Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

.. r~· ,WlJereon tl;e Ch t7; is built. ' 7 · bn g t ~ Church funto a perfeCt: . fia,te, becaufe the High Priejfs clied one ~}t;r another, and jo were many, He/;. 7· 8, 2 3, 24. And thereon he fl1ews that the Ch.urch cannot be con– fummate or perfeCted unlefs it refi wholly in and on him, who lives for ever, and was made a. Priejf after the power of an end!efi l~fe. And if the Holy Ghoil: judged the fiate of the Jewifh Church, to be weak and irhperfeff, becaufe it refl:– ed on High Priefl:s that died one after another, although their· fucceilion was exprefly ordained of God himfelf; flull we fuppofe that the Lord Chrifl: .who came to confummate the Church, and to bring it unto the mofi perfect efrate whereof in this world it is capable, fhould build it on a fuc– cej]ion ofdyi.ng men, concerning which fucceffion there is not the leafl: intimation that ir .is appointed of God. And as un– to the matter of[aft we know both what interruptions it hath received, and what mon11ers it bath produced, both . fufficiently manifefiing that it is not of God. 3· There is but one Rock, but one Foundation. There is no mention in the Scripture of two Rocks ofthe Church. In what 9thers invent to this purpofe we are not concerned And the Rock and the Foundation are the fame ; for the Rock is that wher~P~ ,tl'le Church is·built, that is th~ Foundation. But that the Lord Chrifi is this firigle Rock and Foundation of the Church, we fl1all prove immediately. Wherefore neither Peter himfelf, nor his preteNded Succeffors can be this Rock. As for any other ~k, it belongs not unto our Religion : They that have frame-d it may ufe it as they pleafe. For they that make fuch things, are like unto the things they make. So is every one that trufieth in them. Pfol. 1 i 5. 8. But their Rock is not like our Roc:k, themfelves being Judges, unlefs they will abfolutely equal the Pope unto Jefus Chrifr. 4· Immediately after this Declaration of our Saviour's purpofe to build his Church on the Rock, he reveals unto his Difciples