Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

( , zo Oppojition made unto the ChurclJ . 4· There are not a few who pretend high unto Religion and Devotion, who declare no erronious conceptions about the Doctrine of the Perfon of Chril/, who yet manifefi them– felves not to have that regard unto him, which the Gofpel prefcribes and requires: Hence have we fo many Difcourfes publifl1ed about Religion, the practical Holinefs and Duties of Obedience, written with great eleganey of fl:ile, and feri– oufnefs in Argument,wherein we can meet with little or no– thing wherein Jefus Chrifi, his Office or his Grace are con. cerned. Yea it is odds, but in them all, we fhall .meet with fame Reflections on thofe who judge them to be the life and center of our Religion. The things of Chrifl: beyond the example of his converfation on the earth, are of no ufe with fuch perfons unto the promotioQ. of Piety and Gofpel Obedience. Concerning many Books of this nature, we may fay what a learned perfon did of one of oid; there were in it ma:ny things laudable and delectable, ·SedNomen Jefu no.n erat ibi. 5. Suited unto thefe manifefi inclinations of the minds of men, unto a negleCt of Chrifi in the Religion they frame unto themfelves, dangerous and noxious infinootions con· cerning what our thoughts ought to be of him, are made. and tendred. As (I.) It is fcandaloufly propofed and· an– fwered, ofwhat ufe· is the confideration of the Perfon of Chrifl in our Religion . Such are the Novel Enquiries of men who fuppofe there is any thing in Chriflian Religion wherein the Pedon of Chrifi is of no confideration ; as though it wete not the life and foul that animates the who-le of it, that which gives it its eipecial form as Chriflian; as though by vertue o.f our Religion we rec:ei~e? any thingfrom God,a_9Y benefit m Mercy ·, Grace, Pnv!ledge or Glory, an9--·not 6 rough the Perfon of Chrifi ; as though an~ty or Ad of Religion towards God could be acceptably performed by