Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

1 2.. Oppojition made tmto tl>e Church that horrible llfopbanenefs of life, that neglefr ofall Go{pcl putle~·, that contempt of all fp.iritual Graces and their effeets,– whid1 the ge.nerality of them that are called Chriftians in m~ny ,places are given up unto. I know not whether it were no~ more for tbe Hononr ofehrifl, that fuch perfons would ptlblicldy reno·unc.e the profeilionofhisName, rathe1· theapractically manife:ft their inward difregard unto him. That by thefe,.and the: like means,_. ~atanootrh yet attemEt ~h~ Rtline ·o_f theCJ1urch as unto i~s building on die evedafi· 1ng Roc;k, taUs under the Qbfervatxonof ~u whoare concern.. ed in its welfare. And w, hatever others may apprehend con· cerning thi$ fiate. ~fthingSo in. the world, how any that love t,he Lord Je~us in fineerity, efpecia.lly fuch .as are caUed to declare and reprefe.nt him unto men in the Of/ice (Jfthe Mini~ j}ry,,. can acquit themfelves to. be faithful UfltO him, without giving the-ir Teftunony a~ainft, and endeavouring to. ftop what lyes. in them,. the pr~gxrefs of this prevailing cleden- · fion, from the- only Foundation cl'the·Church, 1know not ; nor will it bee:afi.e for. themfe1ves to declare. And in that ":ariety,o~ coneeptl0t'l£~hich are a~out hi.~' and the oppotl· t1on that l& made unto htm, the_re 1s .aotbtJ.!lg mo(e nef:effitry then that w~ tho.uld renew, and atteft our c.onfeffion of him; as the·Son of theLiving Ooq, the only Rock whereon the Church of them that thall be faved is founded and built. Pauca itk(J. dct Chriffo. as -Terrl!f.llian fpeaks; fome few things eoneerning the Perfon ofChrift with refpeet l..U~to the . confeffion of Pdcr, and the promife· thereunto-annexed, whereinhe is dedaredth<Jfol~ FfJundat}t}n ofthe Cburch, will be comprized in the enfuing Difcourfe. And he who bath> · ordained fir~ogth out of the mo.uths of Babes and Sucklings, as h7hath_gtyen ability to. exprefs rhefe poor mean contem· phttums ofhls Glory,, can ratfe by them a Revenue of Ho-., noul· unto himfelf in the heart$ofthem thttt do believe. And -. '!OIUC . '