Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(33) obfervation of the Duties prefcribed by Chrift in; and unto the Church , we need no other IrJlitution but that of the ufe of the efpecial fpiritual Wifdom and Prudence , which the Lord Chrift gives unto his Church, for that end. q.. There are in the Scripture general Rules direáing us in the Application of natural Light , unto fuch a Determi- nation of all circurnflances in the Alts of Church Rule and Worfhip-, as are fufficient for their performance decently and inorder. Wherefore, as was Paid before, it is utterly in vain and ufelefs, to demand exprefs Agitation of all the cir- cumftances belonging unto the Government, Order, Rule, and Worfhip of the Church or for the due improvement of things in themfelves indifferent unto its Edification, as occafion (hall require. Nor are they capable to be any other wife flated, but as they ly e in the light of Nature, and fpi- ritual Prudence directed by general Rules of Scripture. Thefe things being premifed, our principal Affertion is; That Chilli alone is the Author, Inflitutcr, and Appointer, in a way ofAuthority and Legiflation, oftheGofpel Church State, its Order, Rule andWorfhip, with all things conflantly andpe; petually belonging thereunto ; or neceffary to be off rued there- in. What is not fo, is of men, and not fromHeaven ; this is that which we have proved in general, and fhaIl farther particularly confirm in our Progrefs. Hence 6. There is no fpiritual ufe nor benefit of any Church- State, nor of any thing therein performed , but what on the part of men, confifls in Ads of Obedience unto the Au- thority of (brill. If in any thing we do of this nature, we cannot anfwer that enquiry, which God directs in this cafe to be made, namely, why we do this or that thing; Exod. 11. 2.5, z6, a y. with this, that it is becatfe Chrifl hath required it of us, we do not acknowledge him the Lordover his own Hotsfe, nor hear him as the Son. Nor is there any All of Power to be put forth in the Rule of the Church , but in F them,