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The `Preface. 27 firm unto the Biglops of the great Cities, that Power over the Neighbouring Churches which they had enjoy- ned from this occafional Rife and Conflitntion ofthem: Hereby w« t a Difference and DifIin&ion between Bí- fhops and l °resbiters, between Mother and Dependant Churches, introduced, equallyalmoft in all places, with- out taking any notice of the departure whichwas there- in from the Primitive Pattern and Inilitution. But thefe things fell out long after the Days ofthe Apof}les, name- ly, in the third and fourth Centuries, there being no mention of them, before. But Secondly ; There was another Occafion of this Alteration which tookplace before that infifted on. For in many of thofe City Churches, efpecially when the number ofBeleivers much encreafed, there were many Bifops or Elders who had the Rule of them in com- mon. This is plain in the Scripture, and in the enfuing Records of Church Affairs. And they had all the fame Office, the fame Power,and were of the fame Order. But after a while to preferve Order and Decency among themfelves, and in all their proceedings, they chofe one from among them , who fhould prefide in all Church Affairs for Orders fake, unto whom after a feafon, the name of Biflop began to be appropriated. Whether the Rule they proceeded by herein, was to choofe them unto this Dignity who had beenfirfá converted unto the Faith, or firft called and ordained to be 'Presbyters, or had refpe& unto the Gifts and Graces of thofe whom they chofe, is not certain. But this way began in thofe Churches, wherein fome extraordinary Officer, Apoftle, or Evangelift had long refided. It cannot therefore be doubted but they had force Defign to reprefent hereby E 2 Come-