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68 Me/iah, The Deliverer fromEvil, ExercitatioVIII. The Firfi Differtatio concerning the Aieffiak proving him to be promifed of Old. Principlesprefuppofed in the Apoffles Difcourfe inhis Epistle to the Hel?rews. Firft, AMef- fiah promifedfrom the Foundation of the World. Of the Evil that is in theWorld. Of Sin andPunifhment. Original and Entrance of them. Ignorance of Mankindabout them. TheSinandFall of Adam. Their Confiquents. Jews Opinion about the. Sin cfAdartf. Alfa ofthe Curfe, and corruption ofNature. Their fenfi if both at large evinced. God° not unjuff if all mankind hadperifhed in this condition. Inffance of the Sin and Pu- nifhment ofAngels. Difrencel between theSin ofAngels and Man. Angels loft, Man- kind relieved. Evidences of that Deliverance. Hors attainable. Not by Men, themfilves. Not byAngels. -Nor the Law. Thatproved againff 'the yews. Their Fable of the Law made before the World, with the occafonof it. The Patriarchs deed before the Luling of theLaw. Obfervation of.ohe Moral Precepts of the Law no means of Relief nor theSa- crifices of it., The NewCovenant. God the Author of it. -How tobe aceomplifhed The firff-Promife of it, Gen.3. r6. difeufd. *SeuI'ofthe yewsupon it; manifefed: Exa- mined. Paomiff of aDeliverer, theFoundation ofall Religion in the World. The Promìfi reneweduntoAbraham, Gen. r 2. I, 2, 3. Nature of it asgiven unto him. Telfifed unto and confirmed, Gen. 49. ro. Numb. 24. 17, 19.. Job 19. 25. Opened; with fienlry other Places. End of the Separation of the Pofterity of Abraham unto a peculiar People and Church. This Deliverer the MES SIAll. Denotation of the Word. The'Perfon who.: 0 , WE E proceed now unto our Principal intendment in alltheft Difourtes ; which is theConfideration andDifcuffionof thofe great Principles, as ofall Religion in general, fo ofthe Christian in particular, which the Apof¡le fop- pofeth as the Foundation of his whole Treaty with theHebrews, and which ¢, r, are theBafzs that he ftands upon, in themanagement of his whole Delign. Foe-in all Difcourfes that arePanenetica, as this Epiftlefor the moll part is, there are alwayes fome Principles taken for granted, which giveLie andEfficacy unto the Exhortations in them, and whereintothey are refolved. For as to perfwade men unto particulars in Faith, Opinion or Practice, without a previous convicliou offuch general Principles of Truth, as fromwhich the Perfwafionsufed donaturally flow and arife, is a thing weak and inefficacious ; fo to beexercifed in the Demonflration ofthe Principles themfelves, when the efpecial End aimed, is to perfwade,. would bringconfufion into all Difcourfe. Wherefore althoughourApoflle doaffert and confirm tholedogmata and Articles of 'Truth which he dealt with the Hebrews in a way of Perfwafonto embrace ; yet he fuppofethand takes for granted thofe more general aspics dibze, or firfl Maxims, which are theFoundation both of theDofrines and Exhortations infìfted on ; as all skill in teaching doth require. And theft are thofe which now we aim to draw forth and confider ; being there that follow. Firft, That there was aMeffiah, or Saviour of mankind from Sin and Punifhment, pro- mifed uponandfrom theffrlf entrance . of Sin intothe World, in whom all acceptable Worlhip ofGod was founded, andinwhom all theReligion ofthe Sons ofmen was to center. Secondly, That this Me ah long before Promifed, wasnow alluay exhibited in the world, andhadftnilhed the work, committedunto him, When the Apoftle wrote this Epiffle. Thirdly, That Jefus ofNazareth was thisMefab, andthat what' he had done and fuffe- red, war the workand duty promifed ofold concerning him. There is,not a Line in the Epiffle to theHebrews, that cloth not virtually begin andeigt. in there Principles ; not an Affertion;nota Doétrine, not an Exhortation, that is not builton this Triple Foundation. They are-alfo the great Verities á gaoanyíxs xelsutrñs, of. tl$lhriffian Prof ionor Religion. Alinette endeavour therefore in their Expla- nation