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on the Glory of Chri}i. i 47 Iy. In them is God eterna1ly or effentialiy: . glorious, and the whole defign of the new Creation was to manifett his Glory in them, by external Communications of them and from them. . , . . . . . 2. THE fitft Communication of, and from: thefe things, is made unto Chriff as the head ofthe Church. For in the firft place, it plea fed God thtJ~ in him Jhoulcl a:ll the fulne{s of thefe things clwell, fo· as that the whole new Creation might ,conjiff. it1 him, Col. I. I 7 t I 8, I 9;· ' And this was the firft Egrefs of Divin'e Wifdom for the , manifeftation of the Glory of God in thefe holy Properties· of his Nature. For, . ;- . ' I 3· THIS Communication was made llnto him as a Repojitory and Treafury of all that .Goodnefs, Grace, Life, Light, Power and Mercy \\•hicl:t were neceffarv for the Conftitution and Prefetvation of the New· Creation. .. They were to be laid up in him, to be hid in him, to-dwell in him;' and from him to be communicated' tinto' the whole Myftical Body defigned untohi'm, that is· the Church. And this is the firft Emanation of DiQ vine Power 3:nd Wifdom for the Manifefta'tion. of his Glory in·the.new Creation. . This confti~ . tution of Chrift as the Head of it , and the. Treafrtrin;g up in him , all that . wa:s necef..· fary for its production ,and prefervation', where-. i~ the Church is chofen and preordained in' h1m unto grace, and· glory, is the fpring and fountain of Divine . Glory , in· the Comrnhnication~ · that enfue thereon: ·