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theEpiltle to the Galatiant. Chap.2. r Secondly, the true beleeuer , cannot wholly fall away from grace: becaufe the lifeofClarifl cannot beabolithed.As Chritl diedbut once,and for euer after huesto God : fo they that arc in Chrift , die oneeto finne , and litreeternally toGod. Rom. 5 6. r o. Theverme, and power ofGócf, that vvasfhewed in rai- ling Chrifl to life , is likevvife Chewed inquiekning:them that doe belecue.Eph.1 .19. He therfore that is made alaue toGod, dies no more, but remainesaliueasChrift cloth. Thirdly , they which are true belecuers, arc a freeand vo. to luntarie people obeyingGod , as&there wereno law to corn. pell them. For they baue aria to line in thern.ReadPfal. z io. z. The fpirit of life that is in Chrifl is all() in them ; and that is their law. Rom. 8. 2. It is thepropaneofthe childofG od to obey God, as it is the nature , and qualitie of the fire to burne s when matter is put to it. It mayhere be demanded , howwe may know that Chrift lines in vs ? Anf. By the fpirit ofGod. I Joh. 3. 24. And the fpirit is kno'.vne by the motions, and operations thereof. The fiat whereof, is a Purpofe to obey God , according to all bis 20 commandements that concernevs, with an inclination of our hearts to the Paidcomrnandements.Paul faith,he wasfoldvnder 15:nne : and yet withall he addes,that he delighted in the lawofGod according to the inwardrnan.Rom.7.23.He that !onesGod,and keepes his commaundements bath the father and the fonnc 25 dwelling in him. Ioh. 14. 23. Let this be obferued. Pharaoh, when Godshandwas vponhim,confef[ed be was a filmier and his people, and requefied Moles, and Aaron, to let the people goe. But after God had withdravvnehis handhe returned to his old murk. The like doe fickemen : they make protnife to 3o amend their lines, and they requeft their friends toptay for them : but when they arc recouered , they forget ail their faire promifes. Thereafon is this. There is conrcience in ¿hem; and by it they know themfelues to be miferable finners : but they want thispurpofe to obeyGod,and the inclination to his laws: 35 and therefore indeede they hatenot their finnes, but rather the i commandement ofGod. The fecondoperation, and figne of the fpirit, is a mindanddifpofition,like to themind and 'izlifpo- fition ofChrift : which is to doe thewill ofGod , to feeke his glorie, and to appliehirnfelfe to thegoodof mein in all duties of loue. The third and laft(toomitmany' is to loueCi;rifl for T 2 iliM. 147