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5 the Epiflle to the G4Idtiatnr. Chap.3. 163 heart takes to, it the difpolitïon, acrd mindethat was in Chrift crucified , by viewing, and beholding of Chrift. This fight makes vs mourne and blecde in our hearts for our offences, when we confider , that Chrift was crucified for them : and it makes vs loue Chrift., when we confider the loue of God in Chrift crucified. Laftly , this thingmutt be a terrour to all thevngodly. For they hauenocare tobeholdChrift, but by their loud hues they crucifie him : and for thiscauce in the day ofiudgement , they o (hall fee with heauie hearts, Chrift to be their iudge whome they haue pureed. Reuel. i.7. Better therefore it is, now in the dayof grace to behold himwith the eye of faith to our com- fort, thennow to defpife him , and then to behold him toour cuerlafting(Lame, with theeye ofconfufion. 5 2> This onely would I learne of you , Receiued ye the Spirit by the workes ofthe law, or by thehearing offaith 3 Areye fofoolilh, that after ye haue begunne in the fpirit,ye would nowbe made perfect by the fle{h. The fenfcof the words. When Paul faith, this world I learne ofyors, he meets with the conceit of theGalatians,who thought themfelueswife : and theefeEt of his fpeech is this: I haue cal- .3o ledyoulooks: but it maybe, that you thinke your (clues wife, andme foolifh: well, let it be fo : then withall your wifdome teach me,and let me learnebut one thing :.and that is, by what meanes yercceiued theSpirit. Touching the phrafe, keceiased ye the Spirit,three things rtruft be obferued. The first, that the 35 Spirit fometimes fignifies theefí'entiall fpirit of the Father and the Sonne, as r . Cor. t 2.4. There is a drucrÑie ofgifts , bast ene f Sometimes againe, it fignifies the effects operations, or gifts ofthe fpirit , as namely when flefhand fpirit are opposed as in this text. And further > when it fignifies gifts , vet then the pretenceofthe fpirit is not excluded,but included. The fecond j X 2 7S 30 25