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the Epifi`le to theGal t:altf. Chap.3: gainft nature. Hcbr. I t S. But this praftife is rareamongvs. For there are three things whichprenaile muchamong vs, the loue of worldly honour, the lout ofpleafures, and the loue of riches : and where therebeare a fway,there faith takes no place. 5 It will befaid,that faith is muchprofeffed..flníFaith was neuer more profetfed , yet therewas neuer lc% true faith. For the commonfaithof men, is a fa'fc faith. For in force, it is concei- ued without the meancs of the word,praier,facramcnts: and in others,it is feuered fiom thePurpofcof not finning.Now faith to conceiueci without the true tucanes, and faith ioynedwith the purpofe to line as we lift , is nothing but prcfumption. And furely,this is the faith,though notofall, yet ofthemoti. Morcouer , that which Paulhath laid of the childrenof A- braham,heprecuts by the teflimonic ofthe Galatians, in there 15 words, Knorrye therefore, orye know : that is, upon the Payingof Mofes in the former verle, ye your felues know this to be a truth,which I Paid. Marke here, Paul requires Inch a meafure ofknowledge iti heleeuers, that theymutt be able to iudgeof thegatherirof this or that do trine , out of this or that place 20 ofScripture. This fhewes the contempt of knowledge in there our daies to be great : for mofi men reieet thepreaching of-the Gofpel, andcontent themfelues with the teaching, and fchoo ling ofnature. 8 For the Scripture forefeeing that Godwould iuftifie the Gentiles through faith , preachedbefore the Gofpel vnto Abraham , raying , In .theefhall all the Gentiles be bleífed. 9 So then , they which are of 3s faith,arebleífed with faithfull Abr-a, ham. Againfi theargument in the twoformer verfes, a doubt, or l exception mightbe mooued,on this manner. We oraunt:; that theywhich are-ofthe faithof Abraham,are iutbiiedas he was, Z 2 fo 25 3© I'79