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5 io 15 ao 5 30 35 the Epstle to the Gatlattans. ChaFf . ÿ 5 3 God cannot will eithergood or euill , bits +onely'thatwhich is oat do mans will,the necrerit conies tothis will ofGod, thegreater libertie it hath.Therefore towil that-eirrely which is good,(Co it be freelywithout compulfion,)is true librrtic.tobe able to will that which is euill,and to refill the calling ofGod, is not libcrtic,but impotencicAndhethat can onely will that which is good,dothmore freelywill good , and bathmore li- bertie,thcra be that canwill either good or cuili. .. The vie. Minif}ers of the Gofpell rnuft learne Chriff as Paul learned him.Thcy maynot content thernfelues with that, teaching which they find in fcboolcs, but they muff, proceeds, further toa reall learning ofChriil : and -that is to bekeue in the fonne of God,to die to their fumes by the vertue of his,: death, and tohue to God by thevenue ofhis life. This is a re-i4 ail & liuely learningof Chrifl. They that mull conuert others, I it is naeete they fhould be efFeflually conuerted. John mull firf} rate the booke and then prophecy. Reuel. ro.9.And they that wouldbe firf}Miniflers of the G ofpell , muff fief} them - fclues cate the bookeofGod.And thisbooke is indeede eaten, when theyarenot only in their mindes inlightned , but their hartes are mortified andbrought in fubietiion tothe wordc of Chrift. Vnleffc Chrifi be thus learned fpiritually and really, diuincs (hall fpeake of the word of God , as men fpeake of riddles , and as Prcifls in former time laid their martins , when > they hardly knewe what they faide. Againe 11 udents in euere faculty, are with Paulto learntChrill, and that, as he learned a, him. Such perlons dcfire and loue good learning:nowt this is.] the bell learning ofall, to learne to knowe and to acknow- ledge Chrifl. The knowledgeofChrif} crucified is Paulslear- ning. Theknowledge ofthe remillionofour fi'nnes,is the lear- ningofDauid that great prophet. For this -title he giuesto the 2. Pfalme, 7 b vnder!landingof 'Dana ", Laf}ly all men .am in this real! manner withPaul to learne the fame. For he is an example to all that fhall belecue in him to life cuerlafling Tim. r. 17. Paul hiddes vs doe the good things which we hauefeenein him. Philip. 4,.9,.Hoc The third point is theend of Paules conuerfion in there' wordes [That bee mio/st preach him atmonQ the Gentiles. 1 Here Iconfider what hemull preach,narnely the lonne,C.hri l} and to wiaome namely among the nations. Againe, in the: G 3 preach.-r